Most of us take out birthstone for granted. It seems like a Hallmark idea, right? Hold on a minute, there may be some deep magic in these gems and crystals you need to tap into.
PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.
Growing up, I was very lucky. We lived on a 200 ace farm in West Virginia. At first, I didn’t love that we were so remote but, eventually, I came to treasure the beauty of nature which I could enjoy at any time. I had an Aunt Edith, my Uncle Edison’s second wife, who mentored me. She took me under her wing and taught me many things. I make much mention of Aunt Edith in my Witch’s Brew Good Spells series and how I owe her for my small wisdom. She taught me about plants and their uses in cooking and healing. She taught me about trees and how to identify each one by bark and leaf. She taught me about the stars in the sky and the constellations, a perfect preparation for the astrology we delved into later on. Witchcraft is the most natural thing in the world- and indeed, it is all about the natural world. On woodland walks, my Aunt Edith pointed out heart’s ease, wild mint, and other herbs, which grew in the creeks bed near my home. We picked, steeped, and sipped these herbs together while she imparted her wisdom. Little did I realize that these teas were sacred potions designed to gently soothe my soul and open my mind to the wonders of witchcraft.
In those timeless afternoons, I learned that the practice is not about looking inward, but about focusing your attention on the world around you. Magic exists in every leaf, every stone, every body of water, and every being. Aunt Edith taught me that becoming attuned to the natural world is a witch’s highest calling, and achieving harmony with the cycles of nature is the key to inner peace; this much I know.