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You Find Community in the Strangest Places

I was seven. We'd never moved before.

Finally my mom kicked me out of the house. “Go and make some new friends,” she said.

I wandered aimlessly through the backyards until I came to a little knot of kids, playing Tarzan. The oldest girl, Debbie S., was Tarzan.

I felt a thrill of homecoming.

We played Tarzan all that afternoon: climbing trees, ape-dancing, chanting the war-chant of the Jujus (NA-na-na-na-na NA-na-na-na-na NA-na NA-na NA-na-na-na-na). I was Jane.

A year later, Debbie and her family moved away. I never saw her again.

Still, I have no doubt whatsoever that some day out there I'll run a dyke named Debbie S.

When we do, I know exactly what I'll say.

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Die Now

“Die now!” chanted the crowd as Diagóras of Rhodes circled the stadium. They meant it as a compliment.

Olympia, 448 BCE. Two of Diagóras' sons had just received Olympic crowns. "Die now!" chanted the crowd as his sons raised him to their shoulders and bore him aloft.

Meaning: you might as well die now; you're never going to get any happier than this.


In my long and rich life, I've been fortunate enough to have several “Die now!” moments.

Here's one.

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  • Haley
    Haley says #
    This is a beautiful thing.

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For Me and My Pal

For all those guys out there wondering, Should I tell him?, a perennial classic.

Not quite as I learned it from my grandparents.

Shine On, Harvest Moon


The night was mighty dark, so you could hardly see,

for the Moon refused to shine;

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Right to Gay Life

Human fetus (male), 12 weeks

Already fantasizing about other male fetuses


Queerness begins at the moment of conception.


Support the right to love.


Happy Pride!

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  • Steven Posch
    Steven Posch says #
    They say that the day they discover the "gay gene" is the day pro-lifers start voting pro-choice.

Posted by on in Paths Blogs
Adorn the Dead with Roses

(image: Two hands in black and white cupping the bloom of a deep red rose)

I had tentatively started a post on the Roman months of May and June being filled with rose festivals and how the adornment of roses and violets marked both life and death in the Roman world during the months of May through mid-July. I was mentally filling this essay with how we could all stop to honor our Beloved Dead in the summer with roses and all the historical bits I could yank out of my tumbling, sometimes foggy mind.

And then on June 12th, while I drank my coffee, the news filtered in that there had been a mass shooting in Orlando.

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We Will Not Stop Dancing

We will not stop dancing.

We will not stop loving.

We will not stop making love.

Let the haters hate us.

Let them do their worst.

We've seen it all before.

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 For Which

For which we braved the pyre,

the noose, the gelder’s knife. For which

we will give anything, and have, and do.

A good: so natural a good, self-evidently

best and truest, which by its nature transforms

everything. The truth which gives the lie

to anything that stands against it, and so much

stands against it. For which we die, and have,

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  • Aline "Macha" O'Brien
    Aline "Macha" O'Brien says #

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