This week for Fiery Tuesday we take a look once more at the lives and struggles of Native Americans / American Indians throughout the United States and beyond. Join us in considering the findings of Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Committee, the struggle of natives to protect their sacred land from mining companies, and how police forces have disproportionately targeted natives for violence. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.

We Pagans often like to think of ourselves as a minority religion, ignored and disregarded by mainstream culture. But we're far from the group striving for equality and representation. This week for Fiery Tuesday we take a look at America's first underprivileged group: the American Indians / Native Americans, who've struggled for centuries against colonialism and exploitation. Read on to hear about some of the most relevant issues affecting natives today, from protecting their rights to their ancient traditions to how they're represented in the U.S. Census. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!