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Blog posts tagged in Lunacy

Sparky T. Rabbit
Peter B. Soderberg
Bruner Soderberg
3 February 1954 – 2 June 2014
Back in 1982, if memory serves, I attended the first CoG MerryMeet festival held outside of California, at Circle Pines in Michigan. I was a very young Witch (not such a young woman, but a young Witch). I had only been to two smallish, mainly local Pagan festivals, one being the first MerryMeet in ’81 and the other one in the hot, dry coastal hills of the East Bay. I had no idea what to expect, but I was excited. I was there for a reason, as a delegate from my Local Council to conduct the business of CoG. That fact gave me some assurance of who I was and what I was doing out in the woods with a bunch of unfamiliar Witches.
We held our meetings under a pavilion, where I remember shucking Circle Pines-grown corn for the evening meal.
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Argr is an all-round abuse word in Old Norse. It implies cowardice, effeminacy, and a willingness to be penetrated. (None of which

Lament for the Queer Dead
Gone away into the night
Gone away into the ground
Gone away into the fire
So many gone
Ashes flying on the wind
Ashes scattered on the sea
Ashes turned into the earth
So many gone
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All day yesterday the calls have been coming in from people all over the country who remembered Sparky and whose lives he touched
Missing him greatly as I write. Thank you so much for posting this as it was the first song I thought of also when I heard the new
Macha, thank you. That blog was the only info I had, and I'm assuming that info isn't useful until things settle down and someone
Keith, here's the website for the first CD: I don't know what will happen next to this precious
Steven, I'm so sorry to hear this. I learned of it earlier this morning, and this is the first public announcement I've seen. Wha