There’s a whole lot going on in August, starting with the celebration of Lammas/Lughnassadh today, coinciding with the first of two supermoons this month. You can hear my take on tonight’s lovely Corn Moon/Full Sturgeon Moon on my minipod, courtesy of “Women Who Howl at the Moon.” Tonight should give you something to howl about for sure! While you’re at it, why not practicing some gratitude for any bounty you’ve enjoyed recently in your life? I certainly count friends, loved ones, and pets as riches you just can’t put a price tag on. Light an orange candle for enthusiasm and rekindling optimism and let them know you care—with a simple gesture, a quick note, or a lovingly prepared meal from scratch this evening. It’s something we could all stand to do a bit more of, myself included. And when it comes to yourself, be sure to practice some self-love, too.