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Dreams: Losing Teeth

Dental disasters are ranked as one of the most common dreams. Your teeth might crumble to bits in your mouth, rot, or fall out when you bite into something. Most people find these dreams to be quite scary. There are a broad variety of interpretations, so it’s important to consider the events and circumstances in your waking life that might apply to these interpretations.

Teeth are a very noticeable physical feature that are often tied to a person’s attractiveness, which makes vanity one likely interpretation of this dream. If you’re losing your teeth, that can be a sign that you’re putting an emphasis on your outward appearance when you think about your value as a person. If you find yourself constantly worried about how other people think you look, remember that attractiveness comes as much from the inside as the outer appearance. It is not just the latest, greatest hairstyle or the fit of your new skinny jeans, your attitude and personality is a big part of your beauty, too!

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Movement Dreams: Jumping Really High

This dream can be interpreted several ways—it all depends on the context and how it made you feel. Dreams about suddenly being able to jump really high can be exhilarating, but they can also feel scary. Jumping up high can mean falling very far at the same time, so if you jumped up in the air and were filled with sudden terror as you started to fall back down, this dream might mean you’ve set your goals really high and are afraid of letting people down. It can also mean you’re not able to handle the pressure you’ve put on yourself. On the other hand, if you are enjoying yourself in the dream, it means you’re taking the difficult things life throws at you in stride. Dreaming about jumping high can also be a symbol of newfound freedom or the relief that comes along with letting go of something that has been stressing you out. Maybe you’ve quit a bad habit like biting your nails, eating too much candy and sweets or you’ve ended a toxic friendship. Whatever it is, you’re starting fresh. If you are feeling bogged down in life, you can take that dream as a sign that you can and should try to release some of the things dragging you down so that you can live a more lighthearted, carefree lifestyle.

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Dreams: Losing Something

Having dreams about losing something is similar to having dreams about being lost. There is probably something missing from your waking life, or something that you are feeling insecure about. Usually the thing you have lost is important, so when are trying to interpret the dream, it’s key to figuring out what you’re missing. The lost object can be a symbol for a lot of different things. For example, someone dreaming about losing their locker combination could be a sign that they are feeling insecure about a something related to school- one of your classes, perhaps. Dreaming about losing your wallet could be a sign that you aren’t being careful with your money. You might be spending your money too recklessly and not saving any for the future. Pay attention to the object that you lost in your dream and think about what kinds of things you associate with that object. If it’s a pencil, that could be related to study, intelligence, or creativity. Keys could symbolize a feeling of security or privacy. Shoes can relate to travel, motivation, and a sense of purpose. This dream will mean something different depending on your lost item, how you feel about that item, and how you think the item can connect to events in your waking life.

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Dreams of Getting Trapped or Crushed

If you are having dreams about being crushed under something, trapped in an elevator, or confined in any way, it’s probably a sign from your subconscious that there is something in your waking life that is holding you back. If you’re struggling with school, have hit a rough patch in a friendship or relationship, or just feel stuck in a rut, these feelings of frustration can translate into dreams of being literally trapped. Try to identify anything in your waking life that is holding you back. Is it some old belief systems? Relationships you’ve grown out of but are afraid to let go of? Recognizing that it’s there is the first step to moving on and creating space for yourself to grow.

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Dreams: Failing a Test

Taking a test in a dream is often a sign of a challenge in your waking life, something that has put you under pressure or that is causing the people in your life to analyze you. Perhaps you actually have an upcoming exam in real life that is causing you anxiety, or maybe the “test” in your dream is a representation of some other trial you have had to face. Tests often symbolize being unprepared, and can reflect anxiety for the future as well as guilt about the past. Did you back down from a challenge?. There may be another lying in wait for you. In these dreams, people often find they feel like they are running out of time, or they can’t understand the questions, or their pencil keeps breaking and preventing them from finishing the test.

The feelings you experience while taking the test in your dream can reflect your confidence in your waking life. If you are failing a test or wallowing in the fear of failing, you may be struggling with self-esteem. You likely have all the tools you need to succeed, but are selling yourself short, or you are setting goals that are too high, and, as a result, you fear not being able to meet your own standards.

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In my last post, I described 5 practical steps for doing dreamwork.  In this post, I want to give you a real life example of a dreamworking I did after writing the last post.

1.  Remembering my dream

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  • Jamie
    Jamie says #
    Thank you for sharing! It was very interesting.

Posted by on in Paths Blogs


"Jacob's Ladder" by William Blake

In my last post, I discussed dreamwork as a form of Jungian Pagan spiritual practice.  In this post, I want to offer some practical advice for turning dreaming into a spiritual practice.  The following comes from Anthony Stevens' Private Myths: Dreams and Dreaming and Robert Johnson's Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Inner Growth.

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  • Áine
    Áine says #
    Thanks for this, John! I always remember at least one dream from every night, and I sort of fall back into the dream I left as I f
  • John Halstead
    John Halstead says #
    Thanks Áine. It's good to know others are getting something out it.
  • Jamie
    Jamie says #
    Great stuff! I always appreciate your perspective. I've had a few "big dreams", as I'm sure that many (if not most) of us have. V
  • John Halstead
    John Halstead says #
    Thanks Jamie.

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