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Bejeweled Blessing: Waxing Moon Spell

The word “glamour” was originally the word for the ancient art of shifting one’s appearance and its effect on the beholder, which over the centuries became linked to the idea of “enhancing one’s beauty through artifice.” The arts of magic can still be used to accomplish this purpose; bear in mind that the truest beauty comes from within. You can enhance it greatly with this charm. This ritual is best performed during the waxing moon. Gather up:

Vervain, thistle, chamomile, and elderflower

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Freya Glamor

For a couples of hours one day this year, I needed to be beautiful. Of course I did all the usual beauty things like putting on makeup and so forth but that wouldn't get me as far as I needed to go. I needed to be beyond beautiful; I needed to be glamorous. 

Glamor is magic. It's not a coincidence that it's both a word for a certain sophisticated sort of beauty and also a word for the innate shape changing magic of the fae. 

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  • Erin Lale
    Erin Lale says #
  • Anthony Gresham
    Anthony Gresham says #
    I like the billowing floral wrap, but then I'm partial to floral displays.
Glamour Gloss Enchantment: Anointed Lips

From time immemorial, witches have enchanted with their magical beauty. That is because we know how to supplement Mother Nature’s gifts. Before a special evening, employ a “kiss of glamour” by adding one drop of clove oil to your favorite pot of lip gloss and gently stir in, saying aloud three times:

The ripest fruit,
The perfect petal
Each kiss is a spell of utmost bliss
And so it is.

This will make your lips tingle in a delightful way and give your kisses a touch of spice. The lucky recipient of your affection will be spellbound.

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It's one of the witch's most important powers.


Glamorie, glamory, glamorye: n. The art (and craft) of making others see what you want them to see, and (by implication) think what you want them to think.

In common usage, the term implies “...making others see what isn't there.” “She's got him glammed,” we say.

But in fact, the term is neutral. Glamor can be the lie that tells the truth. Ask any artist. A painter can take a piece of stretched cloth and some paint and make you think that you're seeing a landscape.

If you want to learn glamor, watch those that are good at it: make-up artists, actors, demagogues.

As a storyteller myself, I can tell you for certain that narrative works a very powerful glamor.

This beat-up old knife may not look like much, but if I tell you that it was Sybil Leek's athame, sure looks different than it did a few seconds ago. Glamor = resonance. In some ways, the history of the modern Craft is a glamor: a worldwide glamor now several million strong.

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The Ethics of Glamour

It's tax season which is every bit as wretched as you expect it to be.  I'm on my feet for over nine hours a day in the goddamn copy room which is both a safe haven and a prison, depending on the day.  My book doesn't come out until August which feels even farther away the closer we get to it somehow, probably because I could have had a baby and a half in the time I'm sitting on my hands waiting for it to come out.  I mean, I'm trying to get launch events together for when it comes out but I'm like Ali Sheedy in The Breakfast Club dumping her giant purse out all over the table and no one wants to sit by me.  No.  One.

I very nearly had, like, the awesomest event ever put together but we had irreconcilable differences over how the bar tab would be handled.

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  • Critter
    Critter says #
    Where is the diddly-darn like button?

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Glamour for Introverts

Shirley calls for me to join in/ Next to Fabra’s sweet tenor/ But I don’t see a place for me/ And I’m too quiet to be heard/ But I’m only in time / A sojourn/ With no reasons why—/Just my melody/ So I’ll sing good too/ So I’ll sing good too/ So I’ll sing good too. . .

The intertubes are positively clogged with how to care for trembling, frightened introverts.  I say that as someone who is sometimes a scared rabbit herself, as you all know by now.  Naturally, this makes everyone who does not self-identify as an introvert ask when does anyone care about how to care for them, the non-introvert identified?

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New Year, New You: An Experiment in Magical Radical Transformation

I’m reposting this because it’s getting to be that time of the year for starting to plan how awesome you’re going to be in the new year.  You can definitely do this course in a self-guided manner and all the prompts are now posted here.  


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  • Ashley Nicole Hunter
    Ashley Nicole Hunter says #
    I'm so glad you shared this! I'll definitely be giving this a try!

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