Libertarians have a long history with modern NeoPaganism. In the early years of our rapid growth science fiction writer Robert Heinlein ‘s Stranger in a Strange Land, helped inspire creating the Church of All Worlds. and the libertarian spirit and strong female characters in his The Moon is a Harsh Mistress was popular with many. Historically the connection between libertarians and Pagans is deep. Today many Pagans are libertarians and still more are sympathetic to what they imagine that philosophy to be.
On the surface that connection makes a lot of sense because libertarianism’s ethical principle is remarkably compatible with the Wiccan Rede. Libertarians generally say no one has a right to coerce a peaceful person and our rede states “An it harm none, do as ye will.”
Greybeard, I am intrigued that you never ever actually confront a single argument I make, preferring rhetoric no one can disagree
A growing number of Americans, including American pagans, are Libertarian on social issues and Conservative on issues of economic
I'm not libertarian but don't many of the arguments supporting things like "just get another job" presuppose a fairly extensive (a
Very good and well-reasoned article! I also rejected libertarianism. I despise anarchists, because in my opinion, they also champ