You don't need to be an Elder god this time of year but it might help. Lots of people who are otherwise very hearty Pagans manage to get to the holiday (yeah, pick one) table and find they have nothing to say. They haven't yet "come out" to their family which complicates an already tricky situation. No matter how firm we are in our spiritual convictions, when we are in our parents' homes we revert to being wayward kids, the weirdoes of the family. We go from being Lord High Muck of Bucklebury Ferry to being Billy, the fat kid with the wandering eye.
It happens. If you are very fortunate and mature it may not be so for you. I hope you know how blessed you are. My parents are dead so I get to choose how I spend the day without reverting to the fat girl who only wanted a pony.
Blessed be. Yes, I am fortunate that way, too. Mostly people are curious or quiet. I had never had a formal talk with one of my d
Thanks for your wise words. I am one of the lucky ones, very out as a witch with family and my wider community (including in the