While making a gemstone belt or waist chain could be a major investment of time and money, placing a rock in your pocket is a quick and easy way to bring change into your life. To get a new job, carry tourmaline, moss agate, tiger’s-eye, or carnelian. If you’re looking for love, pocket a moonstone. For money, carry green jade.
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A little thoughtfulness about how and where to wear your crystal and gem jewelry can go a long way toward enhancing your health and happiness. The left side of your body is the most sensitive, or feeling side; the right side is your action side. Information and energy flow into your left side much more quickly, so you can protect yourself by wearing crystals on that side that act as energy guards. Jewelry worn on the right side of your body helps with work, productivity, and success.
Necklaces, Pendants, and Chokers
...If you are a singer or speaker or simply wish to improve how you express yourself, wear these stones in chokers or necklaces to realize a noticeable change for the better: amber, amethyst, aquamarine, azurite, blue obsidian, blue topaz, blue tourmaline, kunzite, lepidolite, and turquoise.
Charging a gem or crystal imbues it with your intent. Upon charging your jewelry, you can use it in spell work or anytime you want to surround yourself with the magic you put into the gemstones. While picturing your truest wish and hope, and what you ultimately want to achieve through this process, anoint a candle with an essential oil that most expresses your energy. Perhaps it is rose or, as in my case, amber. Begin by lighting the candle and gazing into the flame. Then, place the piece of jewelry in front of the candle and say aloud, “Into this jewelry, I imbue my essence and the power of this blessed earth. This gem of great hue is charged until my magic is through. So mote it be!”
You can further empower the jewel by scratching your desire into the wax of the candle. Then, each time you burn the candle, place the gem before it and think upon your quest.
...A marvelous way to take fuller advantage of the power of your gems and crystals is to wear them in jewelry. Even better, you can make the jewelry you own magical by charging it—imbuing it with intention and purpose and power. Also, you can craft your own magical jewelry, which is perhaps the most powerful option of all because you hold your desires in mind as you put your enchantments together step by step and gem by gem.
As you wear a gem, you’re not only decorating yourself but also experiencing its interaction with your energy systems. A large portion of this book is devoted to explaining the energies of each of the major crystals and gems along with some of the rarer rocks, so you must read through the descriptionary part to determine which stones are best for you. Not all will be, by any means, and some will conflict with your personal energy, as I also point out herein. Give a lot of thought about what constructive changes you wish to see in your life or what good qualities you want to develop further in yourself.
...Gemstones are cherished for their incredible durability and eternal beauty. The variety of gems is quite wide, but the U.S. Trade Commission lists only emeralds, natural rubies, diamonds, and sapphires as precious gemstones. All others are considered semiprecious, which seems a bit limited to me but is nonetheless the rule of thumb, according to governmental authorities. Rubies, if unflawed and of a perfect, deep red, are the most valuable of all gems, being the least available. Emeralds are next, and diamonds, perhaps surprisingly, are the last in line of this precious trio. Interestingly, the ancient Egyptians actually valued semiprecious stones more. The Egyptians made a vast study of gems of all kinds, and the earliest writing of any kind about these sacred stones was found on papyrus dating back to 1500 B.C.
Gems have fascinated and played important roles in the lives of historical figures from alchemists to biblical scholars. The famous philosopher’s stone is, of course, purported to be a gem of enormous power and significance. Gem lore tells us that a stone can also have the power to throw a life into disarray. Marie Antoinette lost her head as a result of the public outcry over a purloined diamond necklace, and everyone who owned the Hope diamond either died before their time or was bankrupted until it was donated to the Smithsonian Institution. Bearing these examples in mind, just know that stones carry energy, and if they are stolen or ill- gotten, the energy clinging to the stones can greatly impact the owners and wearers. Being honorable is essential when you are wielding stone power. Having said that, the pleasures of owning and working with gemstones can be enormous. Gems can adorn your hand and help make you wiser. A gem-power pendant can open your heart to love and give you greater happiness than you have ever known. Gem power can heal your body and clear your mind.
Where do gemstones get their power? They all have a crystalline structure that can collect, store, and release electromagnetic energy, similar to the way today’s commonplace battery does.
Scientists and engineers have discovered through experimentation that a crystal will accumulate and concentrate the energy of any given energy field in close proximity. Further, they’ve discovered that if a crystal is squeezed, energy from within the crystal is released. Light can also be released during the compression of a crystal. While the expansion is infinitesimal, electrons are emitted and are then reabsorbed by the crystal, thus producing energy. Schoolchildren discover this by rubbing or heating crystals and feeling a marked static change. This is known as the piezoelectric effect. Anyone who doubts the power of this effect need only be told that it is one of the causes of earthquakes.