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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs
Blanket with no meaning

I have been working on crocheting this blanket for nearly 2 years now. It's the project I grab whenever we go on a long car ride (an hour or so at least) just to work on while I'm sitting and riding.

My mom asked me the other day "who's that for?" No one. "Why are you making it?" I really don't know. I like the colors of the yarn - Mandala yarn from Walmart - and I'm only using the slip stitch so there are no "toe holes" that catch your toes and let cold air in. Other than that, this blanket has no meaning.

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  • Deborah
    Deborah says #
    Thank you for this! Too often today we are required to have a reason for doing something. If you spend your precious time on it, i
  • Laurie Novotny
    Laurie Novotny says #
    You're welcome! I do believe that we have lost the art of doing for ourselves without seeming selfish. Which is the whole reason

Posted by on in Culture Blogs
On Fast Forward

Life for me has been in a state of fast forward.  In January my husband and I both went through some health issues - nothing life threatening but still concerning.  We spent a lot of time in Urgent Care, doctor's offices, and my husband had a outpatient procedure.  

In March, my daughter announced she got a job close to home and was moving home.  We spent March and April packing, moving, and organizing.  We're still working on the organizing.  It seems like my weekends for the last few months have all been hurry up and get stuff done.  Of course not all of it gets done which then add to the stress.  

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

The full moon is celebrated and cursed.  Those who work in the police, hospital, and so on will tell you that behavior is odder during this time of the month. 

The full moon is about completion.  It is like a pregnant woman about to give birth.  The energy is high and in some cases giddy. 

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