Gandalf, Glinda and Harry Potter shouldn’t have all the fun. It is a marvelous thing to make your own wand. Start with a tree branch that has fallen to the ground on its own. Sand and polish the rough edges, as it is a wand and not a weapon. Then give it a good smudging. Hot-glue on a large quartz crystal onto the wand near the handle, and hot-glue on any crystals featuring properties that will complement your magic.
PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.
I learned this blessing from Holocaust survivor, poet, priestess and all-around goddess, ruth weiss, who lives up north in what is truly an enchanted cottage in the forest. She brought this wisdom from Europe where it has been passed down to her from a lineage of wise women. It is the simplest of spells which might be the secret to its extraordinary effectiveness. Go into your yard or garden and put both your hands into the earth and scoop up a handful of dirt. Hold the soil in both hands in front of you and repeat three times aloud:
Hi there and thanks for asking; sorry I was not clear enough. If you want rid of something, say "send this illness away." (or wha
Please send this______,... what do I put here
I hopped into a boat and left the shore far behind. Ahead suddenly loomed a Uros Island, in Lake Titicaca, on top of the world, Peru. When I got to the island the water drew me in and I immediately wanted to dive into these out of the ordinary waters. When I emerged into the water I felt purified, cleansed and peaceful. This gigantic lake on top of the world was clear, pristine and most sacred.
As I relaxed into the unique floating island ambiance feeling divine, I chewed on totora reed and played with the children. Potatoes and eggs were served for dinner, the potatoes cooked in the putu, which was a small oven created for cooking potatoes.
...My joy knew no bounds for I had returned to Isis Temple on the Isle of Philae in Egypt's Nile River. Wondrous feelings of devotion of the goddess Isis flowed through my psyche as I sat on that block of pink granite levitating. I recalled how Isis appeared to me in a New Years eve meditation. She was dark haired, dark skinned and wore the vulture headdress and the solar disks upon her head. She was sober looking and her message to me in that meditation was one of being blessed as I continued my spiritual journey.
I discovered a few years later that I had been a priestess in the Temple of Isis during the reign of Ramses II around 1300 BCE, and that I used to kneel on that very stone that had not yet been placed back inside the temple! When I recently saw who I was -- Nefertari -- I had just released myself from a prison that I had been held in for 3000 years. The process is called the CCMBA, Complete Conscious Mind Body Alignment technique that Dr. Sharron Forest, of British Columbia had discovered. When I did the CCMBA with Dr. Forest I saw that I had become the wife of Ramses II because I was of royal blood and I was living in the temple as an initiate at the time I was chosen. At some point in my queenly journey I agreed to go through an initiation in the Great Pyramid in a closed sarcophagus. By this time evil priests had taken over the feminine Egyptian sacred sites.
...I had planned to write this post a few days ago, as a Start The New Year Off Right sort of post...but then I got the flu, and today is the first day I am able to sit upright and focus my eyes on a computer screen for more than few moments, so here we go!
I don't really do New Year resolutions, but I do give each year an Official Title, as a way of calling specific magic into my life for that year. 2013, for instance, was the Year of Accepting All Gifts. (Let me tell you, that called forth a wild ride!)