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A Ring Can Change Your Life: Charmed Jewelry

Rings represent eternity, unity, reincarnation, safety, union, power, and energy. They symbolize the eternity of the circle shape—the universe. Wearing rings was believed to help ward off any kind of malevolence through their continuity—nothing could get in. A ring binds you with the energy of the stone. In dream psychology, a ring represents the desire for reconciliation of the different parts of your being and personality; it shows you want to be an integrated whole, which is the first step in making it happen. If you want to deepen a friendship, exchange amber rings with your friend to bind you together forever. Why do you think Native Americans wear turquoise rings? They know it is a guardian stone; its power is doubled when it is in a ring.

 When wearing a ring, be sure the bottom side of the stone is open to allow greater connection between the stone and your skin. On your left hand, wear ring gems that awaken and release emotions, and on your right hand, wear stones that will enhance your career and your personal goals in life. I know that thumb rings have become a big trend, but you should know that wearing them could block the energy of the thumbs or, even worse, bring out egotism and selfishness.

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One Minute Magic: Power Up With Crystals

Keep a magic wishing box on your desk. Every so often look at it and make a wish upon your heart’s desire. It’s easy to make: Take a bowl or empty box and fill it halfway with sand. Place these suggested wish stones in any arrangement you find pleasing.

 -agate for a new home,

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Calling In Your Guides When You Need Help

In the past month, we have seen thousands of people lose everything in the wildfires here on the West Coast. What to do? Ask for help. Ask your neighbors, local authorities, charities and also those who are less obvious. Calling guides and helpers is easy. Simply say, “Guardians from the light, please come to me and assist me on my healing journey.” You may choose to know them and can say, “Show yourselves to me; let me know your presence.” Sometimes a friend or loved one who has passed away will come, sometimes an old pet will appear, sometimes you may feel a touch on your shoulder or a loving presence. Trust these moments. You can always ask, “Who is with me from the light?” If you feel a strange presence that makes you uneasy or uncomfortable, ask who it is or simply ask the energy to go to the light and leave your space now. If you are unaware of guides or elders that work with you, there are some exercises later to introduce you to your helpers. Your higher self and other higher beings, such as angels, must be called. They are always present, but to actively work with you they must be invited. I call them like this: “Angels, Archangels, please come and be with me now. I would like your presence with me for this healing. Higher Self, please work with me now.” I also call all my guides and animal allies whenever I create my sacred space. After you have performed your ritual, make sure to express your deep gratitude alng with your goodbyes. I recommend doing this every so often so you know which guardians work best with you.


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If You Are Feeling Disillusioned with the World: Get This Crystal

Like many other purple crystals, sugilite is both a spiritual stone and a mental stone. In fact, it helps you understand the effect your mind has on your body. Sugilite can help with learning disorders and remove blocks that prevent new patterns of thought. This rock is good for teachers and students, as it not only clears the paths in the brain but also creates an atmosphere of loving understanding. It can be quite effective when dealing with autism. A gorgeous series of deep purple bands of color, this South African stone, also called luvulite, signifies the highest state of spiritual love. Another forgiveness and letting-go stone, sugilite is so powerful that it can help with channeling. Placed on the third-eye area, sugilite alleviates sadness and despondency. Immensely positive, sugilite protects your very soul from the frustration and disillusionment of this world.

As a healer, it dispels headaches and gently draws pain out of afflicted areas, brining respite to inflammations, toxicity, and stress-related illness. Sugilite has been used to great effect to ease the discomfort of those suffering from cancer. It is wonderful when a stone helps with both physical and emotional issues, as does sugilite. This stone absorbs anger, hurts, and energies that you have unwittingly picked up and are draining you. If you have problems with jealousy, this is the perfect stone to help you rise above any pettiness and bring out your best side in relationships. I love that sugilite creates a sense of belonging for those who always felt like outsiders.

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Crystals to Enhance Your Energy in the New Season

We are approaching a new season. What can you do to greet the change with good energy? A marvelous way to take full advantage of the power of your crystals is to wear them in jewelry. Even better, you can make the jewelry you own magical by charging it—imbuing it with intention and purpose and power. Also, you can craft your own magical jewelry, which is perhaps the most powerful option of all because you hold your desires in mind as you put your enchantments together step by step and gem by gem.


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Stone in Love: Crystal Magic for Romantic Bliss

As is well known, the ring finger on the left hand symbolizes a direct connection to your heart and serves as the love center. The ring finger also symbolizes creativity, and wearing an emerald will inspire ingenuity. Wearing tiger’s-eye or cat’s-eye will also help you meet creative goals. Wearing turquoise on this finger helps with practicality in your work and art. Traditionally, diamonds are worn on the left ring finger for deep and loyal love ties. A moonstone will also express your love. An opal shows service to your community and to the world. A ruby helps with serenity—both within and without.


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Bring Luck and Love Into Your Life With Jade

Jade is held in the highest regard by the Chinese and has been for thousands of year as it is  thought to bring good luck and prosperity, peace and love.  Jade is a harbinger of purity and tranquility. The Chinese so adore this tone that they carry little talismanic pieces with them everywhere they go. Other cultures—the Maori of New Zealand and the Japanese—also hold jade blessed. Jade is a soft stone, perfect for carving. Both the Chinese and Japanese decorated royal personages with exquisite jade jewelry. Jade comes from Myanmar, Russia, Italy, China, and North and Central America. It is so affordable, I urge you to explore all the magical colors—yellow, orange, blue, red, purple, white, brown, and classic jade green—and powers of positivity.

 Jade brings with it the power of love and protection. It is also a dream stone, promoting prophetic and deeply meaningful dreams.

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