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Pagan News Beagle: Watery Wednesday, October 14
An artist creates masks that celebrate goddess spirituality. A Pagan writer considers the place of disabled persons within the social justice movement. And does the Pagan community have a problem with cultural appropriation? It's Watery Wednesday, our weekly feed for news about the Pagan community! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
There's a lot of misunderstanding about Vodou. A lot of it probably has to do with the way the practice has been misused over the years. Gabby Bess at Vice checks in with several black witches about the appropriation of their craft.
Have you ever been to Witchfest? Do you plan to go this year? 3,500 people are expected to attend this year's celebration of the annual festival in November. The Surrey Comet covers and describes the event in this report, detailing the ideology and background of the festival.
We usually regard the mentally ill and disabled as just victims, who are "vulnerable" but lack much agency of our own. Often, social justice activists glance over them. But what if that weren't true? Naomi Jacobs, writing for Gods & Radicals, investigates the enlarged role she believes disabled persons should have in our community.
It's nearly Samhain, which means lots of people are breaking out costumes. But masks can be used for more than just decoration or entertainment: they can play a ritualistic role as well.The Wild Hunt takes at a look at a new set of ritual masks designed by Lauren Raine, which will be used in a ritual performance this weekend.
Does cultural appropriation exist? And is it a concern for the Pagan community? Pagan and black writer Crystal Blanton writes the answer to both is affirmative. Her rebuttal of those who've denied the existence of cultural appropriation is well worth a read.
Top image by Calvin Hennick.
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