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Pagan News Beagle: Watery Wednesday, April 13
A self-proclaimed witch stokes controversy after documenting human bones she'd acquired and offered for sale. A Pagan politician in Florida draws fire for his authoritarian views. And what should you know if you want to perform shadow work? It's Watery Wednesday, our weekly segment on news about the Pagan community! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
Cultural taboos vary from one place to or another; there are relatively few morals that could be considered truly universal. But one taboo that's fairly widespread is the use of human remains that were previously interred and consecrated. It's little wonder then that one witch's use of human bones from a New Orleans graveyard that "washed up" has drawn controversy... and legal repercussions.
We bid a sad farewell to Lilith's Lantern, a Pagan website which has unfortunately closed shop after thirteen years of service. Our affiliate The Wild Hunt discusses the legacy of Lilith's Hunt and what it did for the Pagan community.
Pagan website Gods & Radicals drew fire a few weeks ago when they posted an article about what they described as the infiltration of the Pagan community by authoritarian and quasi-fascist movements. One might be tempted to ask if that's the case where are the Pagan fascists? Well, Gods & Radicals feels as though they've found one: the charismatic and hypermasculine Augustus Sol Invictus, a local politician in Florida associated with the Libertarian Party.
On occasion, you'll hear Pagans talk about the "right-handed" and "left-handed" paths. But what do those terms mean? And does such a clear-cut dichotomy really exist in magical practice? Set worshiper and occultist G.B. Marian considers these questions at In the Desert of Seth.
On a related note, The Twisted Rope takes a look at so-called "shadow work," magic that deals with the unconscious and the parts of her own selves we try to hide and ignore. If you're interested in doing shadow work, you might want to read this rundown.
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