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Pagan News Beagle: Faithful Friday, June 24
Religious leaders around the world react to the tragic Orlando shooting. Japan's native religion Shinto expands from the Land of the Rising Sun. And we take a look at the United States Congress' sole Hindu member. It's Faithful Friday, our weekly segment on faiths and religious communities from around the world! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
In response to the Orlando shooting at the Pulse club two weeks ago by a Muslim American, many in the Muslim community have expressed their dismay and horror at the violence committed in their name. At Muslim Matters, Daniel Haqiqatjou shares his thoughts on the atrocity.
Historically, Shinto was a religion found only in Japan, a uniquely native blend of animism and polytheism. But Shinto has long borrowed from foreign religious traditions (mostly Buddhism and Hinduism but also Taoism, Confucianism, and more) and since the Meiji era has expanded beyond Japan's shores. The Japan Times takes a look at the modern phenomenon of Shinto outside of Japan and what it means.
Hindu Americans have been a growing part of the U.S. population for several years now. And now, they've got a representative in Congress.
Following the Orlando shooting, a Baptist pastor Roger Jimenez drew controversy for praising the death of "50 pedophiles." In response, another Baptist pastor has called him out for his egregious and hateful behavior.
As many rally around the LGBT community in the wake of Orlando, others stress the need to maintain civility and tolerance towards not only them but the peaceful Muslims who played no part in the shootings. None other than the Dalai Lama himself, Tenzin Gyatso, has highlighted the importance of not scapegoating Islam.
Top image by 663highland
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