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Pagan News Beagle: Faithful Friday, February 19
Take a look at the Hindus of Myanmar in Southeast Asia. Learn about Japan's so-called "fox god." And delve into the world of traditional Filipino religion. It's Faithful Friday, our weekly segment on news about faiths and religious communities around the world. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
Although the Chinese government largely spurns religion, it continues to welcome visitors to the many temples built throughout the country over ages past. Travel Cathay takes a look at one, the Zhoucheng Wenwu Temple in Yunnan province.
As we noted yesterday, it's important for all religions to maintain an open-minded and non-combative stance towards science. This article from Muslim Matters describes how the Muslim community can work to bridge the divide between the religious and academic branches of their world.
Hindus are primarily based in India, but it's far from the only country where they're found. Also boasting a large population of Hindus is Myanmar, the Southeast Asian country bordering India and Bangladesh to the east. Hinduism Today shines a light on the country's local Hindu community and how they interact with the Buddhist majority.
The best-known deity of the Japanese religion of Shinto is easily Amaterasu, the sun goddess and mythical ancestor of the Japanese Imperial Family. But another well-known deity is the goddess Inari, widely known for her associations with both foxes and the rice harvest.
What do you know of traditional, pre-Christian religion in the Philippines? This blog from The Aswang Project gives a rundown on the basic of the Tagalog pantheon and religion.
Top image by Bessie and Kyle
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