A Divine Womb of Light: The Alchemy of the Goddess
A Divine Womb of Light is an exploration of the Sacred Feminine and the application of Her transformative energies. These writings will have the intent and focus of inspiring and quickening within the individual a thirst for deeper connection and opening to the magick and gnosis of the Goddess in all of Her forms. She is the Mother, the Uraeus, the Muse, the Warrior, and the Healer, to name a few. SHE is the cycle of life and death and all that is held between; and my goal is to share the wisdom of her Womb of Light that all may claim their Divine birthright.
Hecate's Call: The Sorrow of the Mother
I call to you at the
Fullness of the Moon.
You who are my child
Of great promise.
I, alone, wait at the moonlit
Crossroads as only a
Mother will do for
Her wayward child.
I stand ready to defend and to
Teach but you must reach out
In embrace of my stern ways.
I wait and there is only the
Flow of my tears that you
Have not yet found your way
Back to Me.
It is within my womb that
You were quickened
And each step you have taken
On your journey has had my
Mark of unconditional love
Upon it.
I am cloaked in the light
Of a thousand moons and
The reach of my hand
To draw you to me
Shines blood red from
All that I have birthed.
This is the second of three posts about the Triple Goddess Hecate and her gifts expressed through the face of Maiden, Mother and Crone. At the time of the New Moon I offered my experience of Her as the Maiden, bursting with the newness of life and vibrancy. I felt my own strength renewed as I ran beside her; youthful and exuberant. That energy has carried me towards this point of the Full Moon, but a deep sorrow has filled me as my own place as a mother has changed. There is a certain joy that permeates everything when your children are younger and they hang on every word, see you as the center of all and love you unconditionally. As they grow and become more self-sufficient the role you had in their lives changes and the relationships you had become memories to be cherished as new ones take shape. The goal when they come into your life is to guide their growth into responsible, self-reliant adults; and when this occurs it is a bittersweet sorrow and joy to experience. Tonight I will seek Hecate’s wisdom and guidance as I sit in meditation and reflect on that goal successfully achieved.
Tonight the Moon is Full in the astrological sign of Aries. This is the first sign of the Great Zodiacal Wheel and I feel the overlay of that thrust towards new beginnings that resonates through me with the same energy left by the Maiden’s hand. Aries is a Fire sign and the intensity of Hecate’s energy as Mother is that of the catalytic fires that quicken in preparation for what will be birthed. Hers is the intensity of a Mother’s love that will traverse the flames of pain and suffering to protect her child. Hers is also the fire of sorrow as the child leaves and the Mother has only memories of a time of nurturing and tending. And so, on this night when all is ripe with its fullest potential and the Fires of Will flame high, I call to Hecate to ease this sorrow of the mother and help me to shine in the radiance of my own quickening.
I hear echoed back to me her response calling me to stand at her crossroads, tell her my story of sorrow and ask of her what I will. I breathe deeply settling into my meditation and see myself standing under the fullness of a moon; the cold chill of wind moving around me and know this is the stirrings of my own anticipation at being in the presence and potency of her energy as the Great Mother. The power of her presence rushes in swirling about me. The energy of youth now tempered Her form takes shape in front of me. Strength and stability are traced in the silhouette of her Being. She is radiant in her fullness and is cloaked in a flowing gown of reds. Hair black as the night sky flows abundantly framing a face of stern gentleness. This is not the Mother who will see past all flaws of her creation. Nor is she the one of judgment whose expectations could never be realized. Eyes radiant and as deep and dark as the waters of creation hold the mysteries of her creative acts and the tests she will issue to all who do not recognize and claim the gifts of their Divine birthright.
She takes my hand and at once I feel small and powerful in its grasp. Palpable life giving energy flows through me. Thoughts of inspired creation flash through my mind. My heart beats clearly and strongly echoing the thunderous crashing of waves against the strong foundation of rock. She loosens her hold and I close my eyes and feel the buoyancy of fluid like waves rocking me gently in their embrace. I sense that these are the waters of my tears and the support is one of healing and renewal. I hear the sounds of children’s voices, mothers speaking words of love and encouragement. The sounds of joy in the first meeting of the newborn child and cries of pain at the loss of a child too soon. These sounds merge and weave in crescendo; crowding around me contracting and expanding as I am carried forward in this birthing rhythm. I breathe deeply and the strong hand of Hecate reaches once again for mine, pulling me from the darkness of this womb and into the fullness and brilliance of moonlight.
I stare into this light, seeking the familiarity of Hecate’s gaze and its brilliance flickers revealing that it is the flaming light from the Mother’s Torch. It is her light that is drawn up into the luminous moon and becomes the downpour that bathes all in its glow. Hecate holds the mystery of its brightness and it is her light that illuminates the journey of all of her children. She stands at the crossroads and with the patience of a mother waits for her lessons to be heeded and her children to claim the power of their true Mother.
The torch of moonlight rains down all about me and I feel the Mother’s mantle enfold my form, lifting my sorrow and opening me to a new way of mothering. I gratefully accept this power of knowing that I am both the place of offering as the mother and receiving as the child a love that holds the gift of creation itself. I am reminded that the Great Mother has been with me at the beginning of my earthly journey and it is into her arms I shall seek refuge and rebirth at my end. I stand in strength and at peace knowing that the sorrow of the mother is in the neglect of the child within that yearns for the Great Mother’s embrace and hear the gentle words, “you are loved”. I offer up gratitude to Hecate and offer vow to her that I will nurture and tend the child that I am; bringing it to its fullest potential in unconditional love. I tell the Goddess that I will seek out her wisdom at the turning of the Waning Moon. I will come to the crossroads and call to Hecate, the Crone.
I breathe into the space of my meditation and am no longer at the crossroads. I have come full circle back to the place of my sitting with a renewed sense of purpose. The air is fresher, my vision is clearer and I know I am not alone. She will wait for me with the patience of the Mother.
Read the First Post: Hecate's Call: The Longing of the Maiden
The Next Post: Hecate's Call:The Silence of the Crone
Waning Moon- October 27.2013
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Ms. Fennelly,
There will soon be a partial lunar eclipse here. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the Goddess we both worship, you as a witch and me as a Platonist.
Praise be to Hekate!