A Divine Womb of Light: The Alchemy of the Goddess
A Divine Womb of Light is an exploration of the Sacred Feminine and the application of Her transformative energies. These writings will have the intent and focus of inspiring and quickening within the individual a thirst for deeper connection and opening to the magick and gnosis of the Goddess in all of Her forms. She is the Mother, the Uraeus, the Muse, the Warrior, and the Healer, to name a few. SHE is the cycle of life and death and all that is held between; and my goal is to share the wisdom of her Womb of Light that all may claim their Divine birthright.
Full Moon's After Glow
Full Moon
Milky white
Veil of soft embrace.
Your light reflects the
Pools of wisdom and grace
As illusion's cunning
Mirror cloaks the knowledge
Of inner flood gates.
Filter and flow of celestial sight
As velvet darkness parts the way
Of expansive breath and I tremble
Bowing to your Path of Surrender.
The veil parts
The portal opens
And ALL stand waiting
In anticipation of your
Sacred Kiss.
I walk silently down the wrought iron stairway and into my back yard, out into the moonlit night. Noise comes crowding in and I breathe deeply pushing out what seeks to intrude. Lady moon hangs high overhead and the silhouette of tree and plant crowd my view. This is the night of the moon's fullness. This is the expansion of breath and air, mind and heart flowing as one.
I walk to the sacred spot that has received the offerings of many a moonlit night and has witnessed my honoring of the seasons. My hand is warm from the herbs of energy that I carry as offering this night, empowered and quickened in ritual with coven mates two nights before. The potency of their intent moving like tidal flow and peak ready to be carried on the winds that will seed transformation.
I raise my arms, offering held high and speak the words of power and knowing that have opened the gate of sight so many moon tides before. Light pours down through tree branch and leaf as all that surrounds me awakens at Her touch. Love flows opening my heart and flowing waters heal guided by the wisdom of Her light.
I stand in the fullness of Her light and feel the spark of inspiration move through me. I stand in the light of Her body and see the beauty of my own reflection mirrored in downward gaze. I speak the words of power and cast upon the gentle breeze the herbs that will seed the waters of my intent.
Lady Moon blesses the journey of this release and the gift of her magick flows through me, rushing in like the tide towards the embrace of sandy shore. The fires of my will and the waters of Her gnosis joining as one as the fullness of creation takes root. I stand in its embrace receiving and giving one to the other.
I sigh into the after glow of full moon's sacred kiss. I breathe into my physical being and merge with the rhythm of electrified flow that now courses through me. I feel at peace and at one with all that surrounds me. Another deep breath and the noise of the busy evening comes flowing in, softened by waters that hold the celestial sound of light.
My intent offered up and my devotion sent forth, the short walk back through moonlit grass upholds my working and the fragrant late summer air holds the promise of another cycle of expansive moon. I breathe out the moon's light and affirm the deepening of my connection to all of Her mysteries as I look out through starlit eyes.
So mote it be!
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Beautiful, thank you for the images. This particular full moon cycle has been such a gift and blessings to me as well.