A Divine Womb of Light: The Alchemy of the Goddess
A Divine Womb of Light is an exploration of the Sacred Feminine and the application of Her transformative energies. These writings will have the intent and focus of inspiring and quickening within the individual a thirst for deeper connection and opening to the magick and gnosis of the Goddess in all of Her forms. She is the Mother, the Uraeus, the Muse, the Warrior, and the Healer, to name a few. SHE is the cycle of life and death and all that is held between; and my goal is to share the wisdom of her Womb of Light that all may claim their Divine birthright.
Entering the New Year with Hunger
What aches within you to know the Divine
What fills your table of spiritual sustenance
To what ends will you go to sit at the table
Of your Divine Nature?
Does this hunger awaken you from the comfort of your slumber
Calling you to sit naked and vulnerable in the solitude of Sacred Space
And surrender in opening to the pervasive silence of Spirit?
Do you feel sorrow at the grains of wisdom spilled out
From bowls upturned in seeker's frantic search?
Do the impoverished rumblings of your belly and physical need
Distract you from the call to dine at the table of the Most Divine?
I will feed this hunger with words of Divine inspiration
I will sit with others in wait and accept the offerings
That are given in gratitude and love to nourish and
I will take from my plate and feed those who have not
The will that they may know the bounty that is theirs.
I will quiet this hunger, but not completely
For it is within that empty space of need
That I will grow my seeds of devotion and in
Sun's light gather the strength of will that will
Serve to nourish me on this Path of service.
I will feed this hunger so that it may grow
And be sated by the Gnosis of my own
Abundant feast table of Divine offerings.
How will you feed your spiritual nature this year?
To surrender to your Hunger requires that you trust in the gifts harvested from the fruits of your efforts. You must find the place of solitude that will cultivate your will to eat only from that, which will nourish your growing bodies. And, in that solitude strength and growth are revealed in a being that has stepped into its full glory, naked and vulnerable, bathed in the same light that has grown the crops of gnosis.
I have spent many years in pursuit of spiritual nourishment, and I have seen many individuals starve despite the abundance of offerings available. Some were frustrated that the harvesting of their power did not happen in the short few months they had spent in practice of the Craft. Others walked from the Path because the work was too hard and the manifest rewards too few, reluctant to follow the recipes that had been tried and true. And, still others turned away from their own nourishment because they simply were not desirous enough for the nutrient dense wisdom of the teachings. But, those who remained steadfast and persistent in their work, learning and teaching develop a “hunger” that is cultivated by dining on content and practice that is sustaining and promotes growth. Once tasted, a deep- deep yearning to know more, to be more and to offer up more keeps the seeker’s belly just full enough that allows for the time and patience to find the next nourishing meal.
Patience is a keyword here and longevity is the upholder of all endeavors to fill this hunger. Those things which are of the greatest transformative nature, are often the result a slow, steady chipping away at what has hindered and held back from forward momentum. Although at times these awakenings appear to come spontaneously, if you really look deeply and follow the backwards trail you will see that they are indeed the result of accumulated effort. Increased longevity is both the reward and the upholder and support of what has been worked upon. Longevity that allows you to go the distance in affecting change in all of your affairs, and at all levels of your being. Longevity is remaining focused on both the process and end result of magickal working. Longevity is showing up for practice and being fully engaged and present in the work at hand and that which is to come.
These are the morsels that fill the belly of the seeker upon the Path. These are what may be offered up to the Gods and Goddesses in devotion and ritual. And, in those rare moments of insight and connection this is the sustenance that fills you completely and fully and lulls you into the comfort and joy that a full belly produces. You rest in this feeling of having satisfied a longing that reaches deep into the very core of your being. You allow its nourishing energy to renew and enliven you giving the strength to move with deeper and greater intensity of purpose. And, as the fires of digestion and assimilation of the feasted upon truths burn brightly, the desire for more rises once again, slowly and steadily to the surface.
The hunger takes hold once again and the quest begins anew for the life-giving food of the Gods. All hail to a New Year and the Magickal Harvests of ME and YOU!
Painting Credit: Caitlin Fennelly and FB Page: Moontrine
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