Something is shifting. I feel deeply called to stand even more in my priestess power. I realize my whole life there's been a 'but'- even though I have been teaching others on the Priestess path for more than 15 years. It feels very energizing to know that now the time is ready, I am a ready. It's now about the very essence: connecting to the sacred feminine.

I feel deeply moved to finally honor myself and her for this essence. It has taken me all those years to trust her to this deep level, every minute, every decision. The core is now: how can I be there to make the connection to Her?

Today in a meeting I was listening. Suddenly I realized that only a week ago, I would have been listening with the ear: 'I don't understand this thing called life, maybe he or she has the answer'. Not now. 'they are in the confusion of thinking it's about what is being done, said or thought. When I follow that, I get so confused, and start looking for orientations outside myself. But I don't need to do that. It's their confusion, and I may stay rooted in my knowing of how life works and my presence with her.'

I'm smiling all day, dancing in between everything. And in my ears I keep hearing beautiful music. Life is good. Life is priestess.