The Tangled Hedge

A hedge-hopping awenydd follows the Mother of Life's trackways and brings back what is needed, connecting the village with the numinous wilds.

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Finishing Semsester, Be Here Soon

I wanted to post that I'm in the midst of finals and writing three big papers, but also starting to attend my local Unitarian Universalist church services and its Women's Sacred Circle. The UU church is a friendly place for people of any belief, as it doesn't demand adherence to a theological creed or prescribe beliefs, and many atheists and Pagans (etc.) find community there. I felt right at home in the Women's Sacred Circle, where we called the quarters and lit candles and shared ritual space. It was lovely.

I will write a proper post after finals are over (mid-December), and more regularly in the new year since I'm scaling back from full-time school to part-time. I have so many ideas I would love to talk about - not only from my anthropology of religion class, Native American history/culture classes, and philosophy classes, but from the wider world and inner world as well. :) Next semester I have a poetry class, so I look forward to the creative flow and more time to contemplate and write.


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Tagged in: school women's circle
Lia is an awenydd, writer, journal editor (A Beautiful Resistance), copyeditor (Druid Magazine), hedge witch, mother, musician, OBOD Bard, and anthropology major, living in the wild, enchantingly beautiful mountain west (USA). Her spiritual influences tend toward the ancient and indigenous, with a future-focused hope that humanity will return to a spiritually-rich and thriving sustainability.


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