Tarot Templates: A Card A Day Creates Magic

Tarot can be used for many things including futurecasting. This blog will focus on Tarot as a tool for introspection including spreads, readings, individual card explorations and investigating themes of Tarot. You can expect discussions of magical uses of Tarot as well. If you have a question, please send it for possible inclusion in a blog topic.

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Why Tarot?

Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

Why Tarot? Why not astrology? Or numerology? Or any of the other divination tools? Why did I choose Tarot?


Sometimes I get this odd pushback from people about the fact that I read Tarot. Or use Tarot for life coaching. Or bill me as a Tarot consultant. The reasons for the pushback I listed are all just semantics. The underlying question seems to be--what's Tarot got to do with it (Sorry, Tina).

Here's my perspective on "Why Tarot?". First, a little background. My first experience with Tarot was in college sometime between 1979 and 1982. The person I "blame" for my Tarot addiction is someone I am still very good friends with. She claims it was between our sophomore fall and spring semester. Kate read my cards using the Thoth deck. To say I was amazed is a gross understatement. 

Of course, I was hooked. So, Kate took me where she got her cards to buy me some. Oh, my goodness, I was disappointed when I opened my own Thoth deck. Not only did they not speak to me the way they seem to speak to Kate, I was honestly repelled by the images. The deck was put aside.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Herbal_8Strength001.jpgFast-forward to 1983 or so. I met the woman who would become my Craft teacher, Lhianna Sidhe. During my training, she told me that I needed to have some form of divination as part of my Craft tools. I told her about my infatuation and subsequent break-up with Tarot. Lhianna took me (and our whole coven) to a metaphysical fair. First one I’d ever been to but certainly not the last. I saw a pack of cards that appealed to me visually. She suggested I try those. The Herbal Tarot was my first reading deck. I split my decks between reading and collecting. I have a personal collection that is over 900. I only read with a small percent.

Why Tarot? That deck, that Herbal Tarot deck, opened me to a dependable way to access my intuition and the collective unconscious (thanks, Dr. Jung). I began to read for myself plus any friends who didn’t move fast enough. I was that obnoxious friend who had a new passion—and I pretty much forced it down everyone’s throat that first six months or so. As I matured as a reader, I came to understand just how irritating I must have been.

Then someone foolishly offered me money for my reading. I say foolishly because that was a life-changing moment. The amount wasn't much, but it hooked into a place inside of me that said, “I can support myself doing something I love.” I didn’t go full-time but I did set up an online presence. I sold on eBay back then. Now I have a professional site where I not only offer readings but also classes. I teach workshops at conferences. It’s been a long journey filled with mostly joy. There have been some bumps which served as valuable learning lessons. Like trusting my gut when I felt like maybe I shouldn’t interact with someone but did. Red flags are there for a reason. I am much better about responding to those warning signs.


My journey from that first Tarot reading in the early 80’s brought me to this moment of my life. I have authored not only Tarot decks but Lenormand as well as Oracle decks. I am now the publisher of a magazine devoted to divination in the form of cartomancy. Now when they ask me “Why Tarot?”, I must answer, “Because of the amazing journey it has taken me on”.

The journey continues. I still study. I network with fellow business owners. I take classes on how other people view the Tarot. For me, Tarot helps me live one of my mottos. The day I stop learning is the day I start dying.



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Professional Tarot conversationalist, Arwen Lynch has worked with Tarot as a vehicle for personal transformation since 1980. Her personal philosophy is that Tarot is best used to correct your life course. She is a published author (in romance, as Marilu Mann) as well as past president of the American Tarot Association (4/1/2007-4/1/2014). She specializes in helping people who are determined find their joy and writers who want to finish their book. She's an initiate of Wicca.


  • The Cunning Wīfe
    The Cunning Wīfe Tuesday, 27 February 2018

    Loved reading about your journey! Tarot began much the same way for me -- I found the method compelling after a friend read for me, got my first deck (Golden Tarot) some years later from a Barnes & Noble, but the deck didn't speak to me. So I put the whole medium aside and developed skills in other practices and forms of divination (I Ching and runes). But then I found the Wild Unknown deck and was so drawn to it, even as I remained hesitant about Tarot. A couple of years ago, my husband gave it to me for Yule and I started reading with it, and bam! The imagery clicked, my readings were clear and precise, and my confidence as a Tarot reader began to grow. It's amazing how the right deck can unlock insight.

  • Arwen Lynch
    Arwen Lynch Monday, 23 April 2018

    Thank you so mjch! I apologize for not answering sooner. :D I just saw this. Oh the Wild Unknown is a lovely deck.

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