To move, live and follow the cycles and rhythms of the Spiral Path, the path of the Divine Feminine, is one of the most familiar and eased ways of being in this world. This is the natural essence of humanity and is how we journeyed through life prior to the rise of the Patriarchy.

Since the rise of the Patriarchy, society has been overtaken by a linear way of being.  We have been taught to have concise goals, to walk forward despite obstacles, to never give up, to get out there and to get it done. Time to be, to grieve, play, and rest has become regimented and wildly undervalued.

Still, the Goddess has been re~awakening in the consciousness of Woman, Child and Man for some time now, and with Her re~emergence the Spiral Path has been resurrected. The mysterious, elusive and hidden path of the Spiral is returning to our society as a viable way of being and living.

Although the Spiral Path was discounted and a linear path of Warriorship exalted, the path itself has never vanished, for in actuality, the Spiral Path is the way of the Earth and the way of the Cosmos. The Masculine way of being is an 'either/or' mode, the Feminine way is one of 'both/and.’ This Feminine principle exemplifies itself in the Earth/Cosmo cycles of the Spiral Path.

This is the path that descends willingly and consciously into the depths of the dark, the path that finds the Dark Night of the Soul to be as revolutionary in her evolution as the Bright Brilliant Day of Illumination. The dark is viewed as the mysterious bride to the obvious light, there is no right or wrong on the Spiral Path, all just is. The Spiral Path  allows all experiences to be named as Divine, it is the path that seeks not to define, confine or exploit the life experience but rather to flow for a moment in time, in what is. The Moon will shift, the air will chill or warm as the case may be, and life will be diving into a new rhythm, a new moment and all will continue to be well.

The Spiral Path is calling to the Divine essence within each one of us, to begin, or continue, our journey along her spiral. This is a transformative experience. When you decide to walk a Spiral Path rather than a linear one then you truly can begin to "call it all joy". Walking the Spiral Path puts you into intimate contact with the Wheel of the Year (the four major quarter days and the four cross quarter days) and as you begin to move and flow with the cycles of the Earth you come face to face with your Infinite nature as well as the Infinite nature of the Great Mother. The Wheel of the Year brings each one of us into a close awareness of the ancient roots from which we are born as well as the boundless possibilities for which our souls shall fly, we are also aware of our humanity and mortality as we watch the leaves die away and parts of our life experience die away each year. The Spring returns, rebirth is sprung and we are also reborn.

Re~entering the Spiral Path connects us to our ancestors as we begin to walk as they walked.  It allows us to ebb and flow as the Oceans and it allows for moments of stillness and surrender as well as for moments of courageous action, bold speech and daring manifestation. The Spiral Path opens you up to experiencing the totality of life and removes any labels of good or evil. This is the transformative path of liberation, the path of the Goddess.

To step onto the Spiral Path of the Goddess all one need do is open up the flow of the Earth's rhythms and the movement of the Cosmos. There are many different tools to help to awaken to these cycles and rhythms that are happening constantly.

  • Begin to follow the Wheel of the Year, research and learn about what cycle of the wheel you are currently in. Begin to practice some of the traditions that our ancestors practiced to welcome and connect to the Wheel of the Year.
  • Work with the Four Directions, learn their corresponding element and how to call upon them, allow the directions to deepen your understanding of the Elements.
  • Speak with the Elements, feel into each of the four major elements : Air, Water, Fire and Earth and connect yourself to their presence, begin to notice and communicate with them while you are out in the world.
  • Listen to your body, if it is tired and feels like moving in a slow manner then allow yourself to cycle into a hibernation period, be still, quiet and do less. Trust that the time will come when you will cycle once again into the light of creating and doing.
  • Gather in circles, women's circles, talking sticks, sweat lodges, red tents, gather in whatever circles you are called to and begin to flow in a cyclical nature with your community.
  • Follow the phases of the Moon, watch how they correspond to the phases of your Moon cycle and to your emotional and creative self, learn about what the phases mean and watch how they show up in your life.
  • Pay attention to what is happening astrologically, watch for eclipses, changing Sun signs, retrogrades, times of Solstice and Equinox.
  • Dance! Use dance as a form of morning meditation, get into the flow of your body and open up to your Inner Feminine Nature, ask for the Mother to guide you throughout your day and follow what flows.

These are but a few tools that each one of us can use to begin our conscious walk upon the Spiral Path. As each one of us pushes less, flows more and surrenders to the pulses of the Earth and Cosmos, we bring a little more of the Goddess back into the consciousness of daily living.

May we all find our individual flow and honour that as Sacred and Divine and may we each meet upon this winding road of Grace during one of our many life cycles.

Grace Be With You
Priestess of Grace
Candise Soaring Butterfly

Edited by Michele Murphy