SageWoman Blogs
The New Moon is a time for initiating and planting seeds in our lives; it is a symbolic time of personal rebirth. Metaphorically, it is the time of the Maiden, the new, fresh outgoing energy of the Triple Goddess. It's the optimum time to birth new intentions, set plans in motion, and state new goals. While the Moon is still dark (not visible) our seedling intentions can be nurtured and their roots can be strengthened. This blog will address the New Moon each month from an Astrological perspective, and how you can co-create with the natural rhythms to manifest your highest intent. Each Moon will correspond to a Guiding Goddess Archetype that resonates with the current astrological energies.
New Moon in Aries: Crossing the Threshold
The New Moon in Aries on March 30th, 11:45 am (PDT) is the New Moon for seeding our new intentions. It is the New Moon that kicks off the astrological year, and we can all tap into this outgoing thrust of cross-the-threshold energy. This is the time to plant seeds, till the soil of your imagination, and create! This is Rebirth time. Shed your old skin, and emerge shiny and new. Turn over a new leaf, and arise refreshed and renewed. It's never too late to start, and today marks the place where we can all be innocent again. Be who you truly are, the authentic you. We're all waiting for your debut - we NEED you! Whether you are just beginning to quietly unfold, or preparing your grand entrance, the time is now to step forward. You will be supported.
In Joseph Campbell’s archetypal Hero’s Journey, Aries resonates with "The Call to Adventure". It is the newborn (or re-born) soul at the beginning of the Journey of the spiritual lessons of incarnation. In the Tarot, I liken Aries to The Fool, or “the Innocent”, stepping forward without any sense of fear, and a quality of pure childlike optimism. In order to understand any astrology archetype better, it’s helpful to meditate on the qualities of the season. Aries is the onset of spring: brave, initiating, fresh and sometimes a little foolhardy. It’s rarely talked about in Astrology circles, that Aries is also (like the new growth of spring) vulnerable, sensitive, and trusting. Even when Aries comes on strong, and seems full of characteristic bluster, it’s usually from a place of guileless exuberance.
This particular New Moon does have some rather challenging aspects, tying into a T-square with the ongoing Uranus/Pluto Square, which is the marker of our times (evolution vs. revolution) and it’s also squaring Jupiter. This Moon marks a turn of the tide, a break through, or a birthing process. Birth is not always easy, and there are often birthing pains that accompany new life. This is your chance to co-create with the energies and make the necessary shift you have been dreaming of. Stand tall, take a deep breath and know you have everything you need for the next step on your path.
Guiding Goddess Archetype: Boudicca
Although Boudicca is an actual historical person, and not a goddess per se, her fierce defense of the freedom of her people has become the stuff of legend. Boudicca, whose name means “victorious”, was an iron age Celtic queen of the Iceni tribe who lived in Roman occupied Britain in the first century CE. Call on her when you need courage for a new undertaking, extra potency, or a boost of vitality. Whether you need the confidence to start your own business, leave a go-nowhere relationship, or to step into your power and reclaim your true Self - align yourself with Boudicca, and prepare for victory!
New Moon in Aries Ritual: Planting the Seeds of Intent
What You will Need
Small green candle
Cedar smudge
What You Do
Prepare your space. Doing this sends the message to your subconscious mind and to the Universe that something special is about to happen. Tidy your ritual area, light some incense, play meditative music.
Ground and center using any method you are comfortable with. A few deep breaths to quiet your mind are helpful.
Light the green candle and meditate for a few moments on the symbolism of the color green as a metaphor for new growth, good health and increased prosperity
Write down your goals, wishes, desires – these can be as simple or as detailed as you like.
Take a few moments to bask in the sensation of having already attained your goals.
- Try to really feel the feeling of having these things as though they already exist in your life.
“Mulch” the paper with your goals on it into an indoor (or outdoor) plant. It’s nice if you can get a new plant just for this purpose, or designate a favorite plant you already have.
Turn your attention to the green candle - the color of new fresh growth - and allow it to burn until it extinguishes next to the plant, carrying your intention out into the universe.
Visualize your new intentions going down into the nourishing roots of the plant, where they will incubate safely in the darkness, and eventually become part of the new growth.
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