My Mother Path
My path through discovering myself as a mother, teacher and self.
Years and Years it seems
I must apologize, it's been way too long and when I got the mail today and saw the latest issue of SageWoman, and realized that I can't remember the last time I had received the magazine, well, let's just say that I was sad.
Where do I start?
Back when I opened my humble little shop down town....I believe I talked about that.
When my youngest daughter was dropped during cheer practice and broke her neck? Rare fracture of the C5 and was lucky to still be able to walk.
When Covid hit and my husband had to get a total shoulder reconstruction?
When BOTH my in-laws fell and weren't found for two days. They live 8 hours from us and I was lucky enough to be working from home so I stayed with them as their end of life doula.
When my youngest had a seizure and we learned that she had a brain tumor?
When I closed my humble little shop so I could be with my family?
And now....she's in her freshman year of college and we are getting a medical withdrawal due to continued issues from her medical situation.
So here I am today, just celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary, we bought my husband's parent's home off the estate as they built it and my husband has done so much work on it. We still live 8 hours until he is of retirement age. I move our youngest back on Monday. And I'm working 2 jobs! I'm up at 4am and go to bed at 10pm.
I swayed from my spiritual path....just put myself on hold....or did I?
Maybe I was cocooned by my path and that cocoon kept me strong, kept me safe, kept me soft and tender.
Maybe I went deeper in my spirituality without ever realizing it.
I will tell you this, I am stronger, I am softer, I am quieter, I am deeper......I am at peace.
May you all find peace
Many blessing ~
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