Messages to Humanity — A Dispatch on Numerous Important Subjects for Evolving Earthlings
Glean knowledge from Agnes, an Activator and Wise Elder’s personal experiences on the subjects of ceremony, community, rituals, new moon, focusing, mind body alignments, sacred sexuality, co-creative gardening, healing with hands-on, toning, Goddess & God, Spirit Grandmothers and Grandfathers of Time, initiations to enlightenment, pre-history, and much more.
Mysterious Egypt: Part Three, Isle of Philae, Isis, Nefertari, Saqqara Temples, Ramses II
My joy knew no bounds for I had returned to Isis Temple on the Isle of Philae in Egypt's Nile River. Wondrous feelings of devotion of the goddess Isis flowed through my psyche as I sat on that block of pink granite levitating. I recalled how Isis appeared to me in a New Years eve meditation. She was dark haired, dark skinned and wore the vulture headdress and the solar disks upon her head. She was sober looking and her message to me in that meditation was one of being blessed as I continued my spiritual journey.
I discovered a few years later that I had been a priestess in the Temple of Isis during the reign of Ramses II around 1300 BCE, and that I used to kneel on that very stone that had not yet been placed back inside the temple! When I recently saw who I was -- Nefertari -- I had just released myself from a prison that I had been held in for 3000 years. The process is called the CCMBA, Complete Conscious Mind Body Alignment technique that Dr. Sharron Forest, of British Columbia had discovered. When I did the CCMBA with Dr. Forest I saw that I had become the wife of Ramses II because I was of royal blood and I was living in the temple as an initiate at the time I was chosen. At some point in my queenly journey I agreed to go through an initiation in the Great Pyramid in a closed sarcophagus. By this time evil priests had taken over the feminine Egyptian sacred sites.
I feel it was a combination of things that got me murdered, as I was also convinced of and promoting the return to the worship of one God, a philosophy that had died out in Egypt. I died unresolved in that closed sarcophagus so many years ago. I went stark raving mad. During the release of this stuck emotional memory the karmic block held in the bones of my spine were forevermore released.
I also felt I had been cursed by the priests that were at the time and that they stole part of my soul which I later reclaimed in a ceremony with my women’s group up in the B.C. Monasshe Mountains. I knew then why I had severe claustrophobia in this lifetime.
I awoke in my hotel room in Karnak feeling bewildered and the next day we trained back to Cairo, again observing the drought and shacks on one side of the Nile and beautiful flourishing green gardens on the other. We headed to the Khan- el Khalili souk once more, I was enthusiastic to shop for more Egyptian memorabilia and jewelry. I purchased a beautiful Bedouin necklace with matching bracelet made of silver and carnelian balls. I was told that carnelian was symbolic of the warm blood of life and thought to purify the blood of the wearer. I purchased a Nefertiti necklace of orange and turquoise beads and was immensely attracted to turquoise that was mined in the eastern desert of Egypt. Its greenish tint is symbolic of the joy of life. I purchased a had to have turquoise ring.
The Europa Hotel from which we could see the Great Pyramids was home again for a few more days and dinner that eve was at Pizza Hut a block or two away. I have to laugh at you Cairo. Where else in the world would there be a keffiyehed shepherd lying on the lawn of a Pizza Hut with a herd of smelly sheep?
Busing back to Tel Aviv took a long full day with a few pee breaks in primitive conditions and stops to pick up snacks. All along through the desert check points every hour or so jeeps filled with four armed guards drove in front of us and behind us, protecting our bus from terrorist attacks and road side bombs.
I made many trips to Cairo while I lived in Israel and always loved the grand melee, earthiness and the smells that were Cairo. It felt so familiar.
Years later when I was already at the Nehalliston Canyon Retreat, British Columbia, I had an astonishing phone call from someone in the North Thompson Valley. He said he had read an article about me and the book, “Garbage and Flowers - My Year’s Sojourn in the Holy Land,” that I had just launched. It was a travelogue in journal form in which I have written some of my travel stories. In the interview the journalist was very intrigued by my time spent in Egypt and her article focused on those journeys more so than other Middle East adventures.
He said he also had connections to Egypt, specifically to Karnak, Abu Simbel and Nefertari. He came to visit me one day, a tall thin regal-like man of about forty-five. I immediately felt a powerful love towards him. It was surprisingly overwhelming and confusing at the same time. When Jonathan James/Ramses II and I hugged he became my brother, lover and friend and I saw him as a much younger person. In fact he became a fifteen years old once more and I fourteen. He said he was an incarnation of Ramses II and was in contact with UFO’s that came up the North Thompson UFO trench in Canada and that he was a connector to the stars and star people. He lived in an A-frame on a mountain top near Barriere, B.C. close to Little Fort where my retreat was.
He came once more for a Reiki treatment and I too saw our connection from the past and that his main soul color in this life was indigo. Indeed an indigo soul is a connector to the stars. How I loved him still! Because we were young when we married we grew up together in the capital Memphis and in the temples of Karnak.
On a subsequent trip to Egypt as I sat at the entrance to the temples in Saqqara, I became visionary. Suddenly I saw myself with gold sandals on me feet walking in a procession, wearing a white linen floor length gown. I had gold bracelets on my wrists and a turquoise cobra earring in my left ear. I was holding a crystal clear orb that resonated with star power.
I saw we had a happy life and several children together and had a feeling of being accepted as an equal to Ramses as queen. He allowed me to influence his decisions. Later I succumbed to the ill-fated initiation in the Queens chamber of the Great Pyramid. In my research of Nefertari I found that history books simply state that she inexplicably disappeared.
I highly recommend the CCMBA process to clear karma and unresolved past lives dear others. It is easy and effective and takes an hour or two to complete.
I hoped my husband was not resentful of my love for Ramses that seemed older than the hills. A few weeks later an old past life flame of my husband’s came along to our retreat; then I did not feel so bad! Roughly at that time I also saw that my former husband was the Egyptian pharaoh, Akhenaton who reigned in the eighteenth dynasty. He still physically resembled the ancient carvings and statues I had seen of the pharaoh. He attempted to make many worthy changes in Egypt in his time. One attempt was the worship of the one God as higher dimensional Machiventa Melchizadek had promulgated centuries before. Although it too got him killed it was a worthwhile cause trying to bring the Egyptians back to Oneness, to the worship and honoring of the one God, the Aten or Supreme Creator El Elyon.(Urantia).
According to my astrological chart I have had many positions of power. Was I a good queen, a good king, a mindful engaging princess, keeping the wellness of my subjects in the fore? Why does one incarnate in a kingly lineage time after time anyway?
Pondering this question I felt that as we progress in our timeless, endless journey through the cosmos and beyond we at some point acquire the ability to be leaders, to take charge and create something on a grand scale. I trust that I did my best.
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