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Magic on the Altiplano/Aramu Muru, Peru: Part Two

I hopped into a boat and left the shore far behind. Ahead suddenly loomed a Uros Island, in Lake Titicaca, on top of the world, Peru. When I got to the island the water drew me in and I immediately wanted to dive into these out of the ordinary waters. When I emerged into the water I felt purified, cleansed and peaceful. This gigantic lake on top of the world was clear, pristine and most sacred.

As I relaxed into the unique floating island ambiance feeling divine, I chewed on totora reed and played with the children. Potatoes and eggs were served for dinner, the potatoes cooked in the putu, which was a small oven created for cooking potatoes.

I spent most of the first night not in my four person totora reed hut, whose owners had quickly vacated so I could sleep there, but under a blanket of brilliant stars so close that I felt if I could just jump high enough I could touch them.

The next day Andres and I met for breakfast on the island. He asked me if I wished to go to a 10th - Dimensional doorway. Again, the bright, light bulb flash! “Yes!” I enthusiastically said knowing I would be experiencing a portal and its frequency and perhaps be able to time travel backward or forward and do who knows what other exciting stuff.

We donned a local bus and by noon we were underway further south to Juli. There we hired a driver and were soon descending upon the most interesting rock outcropping formation. The unique pink and brown sandstone mountains smooth and rounded instead of sharp and pointed felt unnatural to me. I told Andres about diving into the lake and he mentioned that when the priests go to Aramu Muru, they always precede the journey with purification in Lake Titicaca.

To my good fortune Andres’ grandfather often came to this site with others to do ceremony and to honor the ancestors. Andres knew about the efficacy of this 10th - Dimensional doorway and I was about to find out.  I was reminded of the inner Earth territories as we traveled along, dodging lamas and potholes that Andres called Uku Pacha. He told me about the Andean tradition of the Amaru, the snake and how it represents the inner Earth territories and I am told that the sacred doorway I am about to explore is named for an Incan master named Aramu Muru, who passed through this doorway into another dimension, the tenth dimension.

One of the legends of Aramu Muru according to author, Jorge Luis Delgado, PhD, is also associated with the ‘Golden Disc’ of the Incas. In the legend the master Aramu Muru brought a golden disc from Lemuria – a lost continent in the Pacific Ocean, to what is now known as Peru. Until the time of the Spanish arrival in Peru the disc hung in a temple in Cusco. This disc symbolized humanities connection to Hatun Inti, or the Divine Central Sun. I had seen the wall where it hung while in the Cusco temple. Legend states that the golden disc and other sacred objects were thrown into Lake Titicaca when the Spanish arrived. The Divine Central Sun is one of the stars in the Pleiades star system, Alcyone. The legend states that this master decided to leave Earth and proceeded to Lake Titicaca where he walked through a dimensional door to another reality. I have since heard that people see him going through this doorway upon occasion.

As I neared the unusual rock formation that juts out of nowhere, I walked up a hillside and saw the doorway cut into the rock’s center. Andres told me to place my solar plexus and third eye in the hole in the doorway and then went to sit on a rock some distance away.

I started off with my solar plexus. What a rush! There was a charge of energy like a lightning bolt that shot through my solar plexus as the energy from the door whirled about in and through my solar plexus, the sun center. I then put my forehead, my third eye on the hole in the doorway and it vibrated nicely, although nothing spectacular occurred. My third eye was opened during the Reiki classes many years ago and I have been clairvoyant and clairaudient for some time. But the solar plexus, our power center, center to the entire physical body was now stimulated in an astounding and significant way.

From this point on, I felt like a super human being, strong, all-knowing and immortal. This site is directly in alignment with the Pleiades star system where the Incas, some of who were white, came from. Legends describe priests standing in this doorway and disappearing. I know that I occasionally spend time in the Pleiades, having seen myself there when I was attuned to the Reiki universal energy symbols and have assumed that this is my and many other Earthlings original home.

 As I stood facing the doorway, then sitting underneath it I found it to be a doorway to immortality. As I write this I can feel a strong vibration throughout my body in affirmation. I had been focusing on creating the keys to immortality within me and my higher self and spirit guides knew I wished to achieve this in this lifetime as well.

That night after dinner I was relaxing on my hotel bed when suddenly I was communing with Archangel Michael and my Reiki Master. I had first seen Archangel Michael while living in Jerusalem. He often warned me of pending troubling situations as to where not to go. My Reiki Master had recently crossed over and was in the Pleiades and was smiling and I engaged in conversation, elated to be making contact with her from the other side. We loved one another and both of us had avidly explored metaphysics. She was joyful to be with me again. What a thrill to be reunited and to know that my Reiki Master was well and had crossed into the light. I sometimes worried about her and her mate as they delved into dark corners of the world, obsessing about an apocalypse and new world order conspiracy theories. I gave thanks that evening to Lord Michael as I felt he had opened the portal to the Pleiades for me providing the opportunity to communicate with my old Earth friend and teacher. We have had a few past lives together, one in which I was a king and she was the pope. When I saw that particular past life, it explained some of our power issues. It was a time when the pope decided that the king was under his rule.

The morning I left Puno was clear, bright and I still felt super human as I was flying back to Lima to obtain my temporary passport. While the passport was in progress I spent a few days on the beach laying on flat basalt stones that I would later purchase mail order from Peru to use in hot stone massage.

I called my Lima tour guide to have a tour arranged to the International Potato Center (CIP). What a thrill for a potato aficionado to be in the country where it is alleged that the potato, solanium tuberosom, finds its home. By this time I had written a national best-selling book about the potato titled, The Incredible Potato- A Cookbook and History, in two editions. I was told there are 4000 potato varieties, about 200 of which are edible for humans!

During the whole later part of the vacation, I was not only feeling the power of the land in Peru but a new power within myself. I knew as I left Peru that I would be making some changes when I returned home and I felt on top of the world by spending time in this place which was also located on top of the world: light emanates strongly here.

A pan flute band dressed in traditional Peruvian costume was playing at the airport while I tearfully bid Peru farewell. I shall return. I cut the hair of two children on the Uros Island where I sojourned and as a result I am now their godmother.


The next week I met up with my New York boyfriend and I could see right through him; see how he had been deceiving me. I packed my bags, moved home, and continued to feel super human! b2ap3_thumbnail_Aramu Muru Peru_opt_opt.jpg

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National best-selling author, Advanced Reiki Master, Fire Priestess, Conference Speaker, Metaphysician Master, Agnes Toews-Andrews, has been researching the Goddess, the paranormal and metaphysical at home in Canada and at sacred sites around the world since 1987. It was while working with energy/Reiki that her clairsentient and clairaudient abilities began to awaken. A world traveler, she is the author of 8 non-fiction spiritual books and 1 book of paranormal fiction. At home in the question mark, Agnes has known since the age of 14 while watching a sunset in rural British Columbia that she was to be an 'Activator' of humanity and in 1989 made a commitment to be a Lightworker. Also a co-creative Devic gardner, macrobiotic consultant, she is the proud mother of two amazing kids and grandmother of five even more amazing grand kids. She currently resides in the Selkirk Mountains in the West Kootenays, British Columbia, Canada.  


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