Messages to Humanity — A Dispatch on Numerous Important Subjects for Evolving Earthlings
Glean knowledge from Agnes, an Activator and Wise Elder’s personal experiences on the subjects of ceremony, community, rituals, new moon, focusing, mind body alignments, sacred sexuality, co-creative gardening, healing with hands-on, toning, Goddess & God, Spirit Grandmothers and Grandfathers of Time, initiations to enlightenment, pre-history, and much more.
Big Winds Moon-April 1, 2022
Tis the 2nd Moon of the Year and in my traditions named The Big Winds Moon. It is presided over by Spirit Grandmother Butterfly Clan. She taught us to be gatherers of people, to create community, showing us the connection between humans. Have you seen the multitude of small orange and brown butterfly colonies that have recently arrived? What a delight to walk through a colony on my way home from a shopping trip yesterday!
Cornmeal is her medicine, and is ours, the spiritual value of it for us being life and abundance, and in this capacity cornmeal is the "preparer of the way", it becomes the road for these energies to travel upon.
This Spirit Grandmother Butterfly Clan brought the Labyrinth to Earth, and it's a symbol for Mother represents the inner Earth territories, and when we walk upon it, it's an initiation.
The stones to wear, or place under our pillows this moon are bloodstone, which is for calming emotions, or Turquoise, which brings all of our energies to a higher level when wearing it.
Plant to gather this moon is plantain herb, for amongst many other blessings it give us, like healing for bee stings, it heals aggression, and brings patience to the user. It should be up in most regions shortly.
Blessings this moon as we begin to navigate the exotic to our senses Spring rush.
So mote it be!
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