Indigenous Women: Nations, Cultures, Voices
The Blog offers information about Indigenous women spanning topics from current events in Indian Country to book reviews to discussion of Indigenous women’s cultural histories and ritual cycles relating to the Earth. Above all, there are the voices of Indigenous women as they present themselves.
Help Dakota Pipeline Protestors
Water cannons in sub-freezing weather. Prayers. Rubber Bullets. Devotion. Concussion grenades. Love. The Indigenous response to tyranny and violence today is what it has been since 1492: band together even more deeply, practice ancient traditions, speak truth to colonial power, and pray and pray and pray. No matter the problem, the answer is always Love and Remember the Stories of Who Indigenous People Are and How to Live Correctly on Mother Earth.
Since Monday, November 21, violence has escalated in Morton County, Cannon Ball, North Dakota where hundreds of protestors stand around-the-clock watch to prevent an oil pipeline from being dug. Greenpeace spokeswoman Mary Sweeters calls it "nothing short of horrific" and Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune calls what the militant police in riot gear are doing "act[s] of brutality" and "nothing short of life-threatening and inhumane." Meanwhile, top American government officials remain silent. Police are also stressed and under duress while their leaders make decisions that they are required to obey if they want to keep their jobs. Nevertheless, sacred objects are being confiscated and destroyed; the 528 people arrested are herded onto trucks that are little more than cages and then incarcerated in over-crowded cells--medical attention is not provided. These are Third-World country responses to peaceful protests--this is not supposed to happen in the United States. Above is a photograph by Rob Wilson published in Indian Country Today Media Network.
When the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge was occupied by ARMED militants (primarily EuroAmerican males) in February 2016, they were not shot with rubber bullets, attacked by concussion grenades or doused with water cannons in freezing temperatures. To the contrary, they were backed with big money from the Koch Brothers, among others. Read more about this here:
Everyone is suffering in this altercation, except for Energy Transfer Partners, Kelcy Warren, and the owners of the pipeline. Here is their contact information: Media Relations, Vicki Granado: 214-599-8785 and Their headquarters is in Dallas, TX: 214-981-0700.
Pictured below is Sophia Wilansky, age 21, who is an environmental activist with a significant history of protecting the earth despite her youth. From lying in trenches to being arrested, Wilansky has put herself on the line for what she believes in. This young woman is now facing possible amputation of her arm after what is believed to be a concussion grenade hurled by police exploded on her at the Pipeline Protest site this week.
Two Big Questions: Why are public law enforcement agencies from across several states, using taxpayer money, being mobilized to protect a private company? AND Why hasn't President Obama taken more action?
Concerned Americans and people around the world are asking, "How can we help the protestors in North Dakota?" Many people are unable to travel to North Dakota for many reasons, but very much wish to do something that makes an impact. Yes! Magazine published an extensive listing of contacts to put pressure on those who are making decisions, like the Governor of North Dakota and the Morton County Sheriff's Department. Here is a link to the full listing:, but I provide information for Key Contacts below.
Here is a list of how we can help:
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe’s Dakota Access Pipeline Donation Fund:
Medical Fund for Sophia Wilansky:
Critical Incident Stress Help for Police:
For your convenience, here is abbreviated information for key contacts who can be instrumental in stopping the excessive force in DAPL Protestors. Contacting them DAILY would be productive.
Changes for the common good happen in the history of America from organizing and non-violent protests, though Indigenous peoples are, obviously, virulently excluded from progressing. Everyone working TOGETHER can change that--this is the lesson from Chief Uncas (Mohegan) from the 1600s, suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Chief Wilma Mankiller (Cherokee), and from Martin Luther King, Jr. Remembering victories, no matter how meager, will uplift us all...and remembering that Love in the face of violence is always the right thing to do.
North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple
600 East Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58505-0100
Phone: 701-328-2200
Sen. John Hoeven of North Dakota
Bismarck Office
U.S. Federal Building
220 East Rosser Ave. Room 312
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: 701-250-4618
Washington, D.C. Office
338 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: 202-224-2551
Sen. Heidi Heitkamp
Bismarck Office
228 Federal Building
220 East Rosser Avenue
Bismarck, ND 58501
Phone: 701-258-4648
Washington Office
SH-110 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-2043
President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Phone: 202-456-1111
Attorney General Loretta Lynch, United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530
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