Indigenous Women: Nations, Cultures, Voices
The Blog offers information about Indigenous women spanning topics from current events in Indian Country to book reviews to discussion of Indigenous women’s cultural histories and ritual cycles relating to the Earth. Above all, there are the voices of Indigenous women as they present themselves.
A Thanksgiving Prayer
A Thanksgiving Prayer
In a Beautiful Way we come together in gratitude
in this season of reflection, hand in hand
we join with all people and draw our voices toward kindness
draw our minds toward civility
we acknowledge the truth that peace has flourished
among nations before this time, on this land
and with our steadfast work, peace shall flourish again.
In a Beautiful Way we draw together to protect Mother Earth
especially the Indigenous Holy Lands on Turtle Island
like the Black Hills, Klamath River, Yucca Mountain, Big Mesa, and Burial Mounds of Ohio
Turtle Sister, Eagle Brother, Grandmother Stones, Grandfather Cedar
we are humbled before you and acknowledge our human dependence
we ask that you protect and empower Indigenous sovereignty.
In a Beautiful Way we draw together to nurture happiness
we smile at our differences, yet feel the same pulse of life
in each other’s hands
we set a basket of corn, beans, and squash before all world leaders
so their human minds will open with their teachings
so their human hearts will melt from their sweetness
as our own hearts soften now in prayer.
In this moment as we come together as a different, but united, people
clasping hands from First Woman to seven generations in the future
we pray for human, animal, plant and earth wounding to heal
we respect Indigenous Wisdom about how to live properly
upon this holy planet
we ask for courage for those who work for goodness in dark places.
In a Beautiful Way we give thanks
for the human ability to begin again
no matter how far astray we have gone
Holy Ones, make our lives into models of hope, as we ask now
singing this prayer of Thanksgiving together.
With the strength of our union, the future eternally dawns with promise.
--copyright 2015, Dr. Mays.
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