Danu's Cauldron: Wisewoman's Ways, and Wild Fey Magic
Living in a sacred landscape, walking between the worlds in the veil of Avalon Glastonbury. Where the old gods roam the hills, and the sidhe dance beneath the moon...wander into the mists with me and let us see what we may find...
Imbolc and Brighid's blessing
Imbolc blessings to you!
Tonight I shall be welcoming the goddess Brighid into my home, and laying out a traditional bed for her that she may bless the house and family. I shall also be laying out a white blanket on the thorn trees by my house....this is a traditional practice called the Brat Bhríde, or Brighid's cloak, which is said to be blessed by her passing by and can be used to comfort the sick or for the protection of children. This is such a simple thing to do, but to have a specific magical cloth to lave a feverish forehead, or to wrap up a child is goddess magic at its best- eminently practical and compassionate.
Now is the traditional time for house blessings and cleansings, especially using prayers to Brighid such as the reciting of her genealogy, as recorded in the Carmina Gadelica. I tend to edit out the Christian references.
SLOINNEADH na Ban-naomh Bride, Gach la agus gach oidhche Cha loisg teine, grian, no gealach mi, |
THE genealogy of the holy maiden Bride, Every day and every night No fire, no sun, no moon shall burn me, |
The wheel has turned! Blessed be!
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