She was never porn. She was never Page 3. She never had implants to enhance the image of her fecundity.

The Willendorf Venus. She looks like me. When I had a really bad haircut pre-2000.

And while social media thinks nudity, the naked breast, is somehow pornographic, I am glad to reclaim Her now at this New Moon, as we approach the Vernal Equinox, or the equilux, as I prefer. Equal light. Equal dark.

The dream of equality lives on.

And the hoohah on social media surrounding the image of the Willendorf Venus reminded me reach deep into my poetry archive. Because one of my earliest hymns to the goddess was to this Willendorf Venus. She has been found in southern Germany where some of my father's people originated. Because we can only imagine her significance to our ancestors.

And, as I have said, I look a lot like Her when I get naked in front of a full-length mirror.

Willendorf Venus

long, long ago in a sing-song time

even before memory, before you and I

or even our grandmother's

grandmothers were born...


a man and a woman embraced, a long hot clinging

so tjat they rubbed together like two flints trying

to ignite a spark and they did spark

stroking, clacking and cracking at each other

it made a twig fire that lit some kindling that lit

the log that made the big hearth


so they maybe paused a bit and they thought

it would not be a good thing to let

the light die would be cold

wild animals would not stay away

they both kept it going day and night so that they

might be forever


so then they maybe paused a bit again

they made good use of their fire

they took some clay and began to play with it

rolling it and patting it and marking it until they found

that it was all beautiful marvellous round


round like the mountain of a woman's ass

long and oval as her lovely breasts

bulky as saddlebags packed on her mighty thighs

solft all down her legs as they wound around her man


they huddled closer to keep the fire going day and night

night and day so as not to die

they baked her and saw that she was good

he was good and they were good


when the babies came, as they sometimes do

they weaned them on her image and blessed her name

for her respite...the baby played...they returned again

to their embrace, tending the tinderbox of their need.


Copyright Bee Smith 2003

Binary Star, (Poetry by Helen Shay & Bee Smith), Nisaba Press