SageWoman Blogs
Daughters of Gaia is written in response to a universal call for the reawakening of the slumbering "Goddess" or Feminine Principle. All who have eyes to see and ears to hear, realize the need for a global healing via a re-emergence of the Divine Feminine Principle within the human psyche. World events are making it increasingly clear that to continue on our current Masculine-Principle-dominated-path is to embrace self-annihilation. It is only through a resurgence of the healing Wisdom of the Feminine aspect of our being; along with the re-balancing of our Masculine and Feminine Energies; that humanity can hope for a future. This Blog is a call to all "Goddesses" everywhere to take up the mantle of human agent through which the Healing Energies of the Great Mother may once again be ignited within the Heart of Humanity.
A New Creation Tale
A New Creation Tale
Part One
Once upon a time, many long eons ago, longer than the human imagination can conjure, there lived on earth a Wise Being. This Wise Being had been roaming the earth for what seemed to Her…forever. In fact, the earliest memory the Wise Being had...was that of being a Wise Being roaming the Earth.
Despite the fact that the Wise Being was very tired of being alone, She definitely was not lonely, for She had many, many friends scattered throughout the earth; creatures of every imaginable size and nature.
There were the humongous Ice-o-poids of the North who lived in magnificent castles of ice that sparkled crystal-like in the midday sun.
In the South were the splendid Maternoids: huge, dusky pulsations of the most pleasant emotions. The Maternoids spent their days and nights in eternal peace; building reflections of their Inner Splendor upon the earth.
The Mentaloids of the East were also friends of the Wise Being. She spent many a moonlit night in the company of these great creatures of Light, Her Mind joined with theirs in glorious and Holy Communion with the Creatress.
And when in the West, the Wise Being adapted to the ways of the Earthoids, co-existing among them as they worked the raw elements of the earth into magnificent edifices in which to worship the Creatress.
One day, due to Her great sadness at being alone and one-of-a-kind among all of the other earth creatures, the Wise Being decided to journey to the Land of the Creatress in order to request a Companion. Anything…anything at all that the Wise Being or the earth creatures requested from the Creatress was theirs for the asking. However, it was no simple matter to journey to the Land of the Creatress in order to make the request.
The Wise Being first lay down upon Her grand bed, summoning Her pride of huge, black, panther-like creatures who immediately formed a protective circle around their Mistresses bed. There they would remain—fierce, silent sentinels guarding the flesh Body of their Lady Mistress as Her Spirit journeyed far into the mental realms.
Confident that Her Body was safe, the Wise Being could now focus Her attention upon Her creature friends scattered around the earth. After a short period of focused attention, She was able to make mental contact with them, explaining to Her beloved creatures that She would be absent from their lives for a short while. The Wise Being’s heart pained as the creatures cried out in alarm, “How will we exist without Your Presence and Wise Counsel?”
The Wise Being assured all of Her earth companions that they would manage quite well for the short time of Her absence.
“Although I love all of you most dearly,” She explained, “And I derive the greatest pleasure living among you, something is missing for Me. I watch you as you join in Joyful Holy Union, multiplying your likenesses upon our earth…and I am saddened…for I have no Companion…none of my Kind with whom I may lay and multiply.”
No further explanation was needed. The creatures of the earth told the Wise Being that they most certainly understood Her need. For how could one survive without Joyful Holy Union? They blessed Her and wished Her well on Her journey to the Land of the Creatress of All.
With Her Mind thus free and clear of all earthly responsibilities and concerns, the Wise Being began Her journey. She continued envisioning HerSelf moving among Her beloved earth creatures, sharing the beauty of their varied lives and lands. Great joy and love for Her beloved friends welled up within Her Heart. The Wise Being’s vision of the creatures and the beauty of their lands grew so clear and powerful, that a part of Who She Was drifted from Her Body to walk among Her friends—many of whom were able to see Her Presence despite the fact that Her Body remained stretched out upon her bed under the careful eyes of her animal companions.
The Wise Being pushed Her Powers of Imagination further and further; “imaging” a Companion who walked at Her Side as She roamed the far reaches of the earth. She allowed Herself to feel the Love, Joy and Delight emanating from this magnificent Being as She introduced Him to the Sensual Splendors of the earth.
Her Companion finally reached for Her…touched Her…
The explosiveness of His Touch was all it took to jar Her Essence free of all earthly constraints.
Thus began the Wise Being’s Journey to the Land of the Creatress.
She traveled far into the vast, dark recesses of the multiverse, flying past many strange and unknown worlds which She was sorely tempted to explore. But being the Wise Being that She was, She kept the goal of Her Journey clear in Mind and did not give in to the many temptations along the Way. After soaring through countless realms beyond Time and Space, our Heroine finally arrives at the Throne of the Creatress. The Wise Being knew that She had arrived at Her Destination when She encountered a Light so bright, She could not gaze upon It.
A great voice boomed out from the center of the Light: “Keeper of the earth, how may We serve you?”
“Most Holy One,” the Wise Being responded, “I have come to make a request.”
“Speak up, my child; be assured that whatever you need for our beloved earth and its creatures is theirs for the asking.”
“It is not for the earth that I come, Most High, but for me.”
“You are at the Source, my daughter, you well know that whatever you so desire is immediately available to you. I only caution that you be sure of your desire before you speak it. Remember—The Word is Law.
“My desire…my need is for a Companion—One of My Kind—with whom I may join in Joyful Holy Union and thus multiply and spread my Likeness throughout the earth as do the creatures.”
“So it is done,” the Creatress replied. “Return now to the earth.”
The Wise Being thanked Her Holy Mother and journeyed back to earth; once again having to resist the many diversions of limitless realms on the return trip.
And upon her return, there was Her Companion—lying right there beside Her upon the grand bed. So thrilled and delighted was She—and much to the embarrassment of Her great feline companions—who slinked away unnoticed—She began showering Her Companion with loving kisses and hungry embraces.
After two days and nights of Joyful Holy Union, the Lovers travelled the earth in merry companionship; guiding the earth creatures with renewed love and wisdom as the first civilizations were laid down upon the planet.
The Divine Couple eventually produced four beautiful Daughters from Their many, many, many Joyful Holy Unions.
-to be continued-
(copyright 2013 Toni Roberts)
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