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PaganNewsBeagle Fiery Tuesday: Activist News for July 22
It's FieryTuesday here at the PaganNewsBeagle with stories of activism and politics in today's news.
I know this isn't specifically Pagan, but it's certainly going to "fire up" the activists today: in a major blow to the Affordable Care Act, a Federal Court this morning struck down federal insurance subsidies EXCEPT to plans bought on state insurance exchanges. An appeal is virtually certain.
After many years of activism and protest, there's progress in getting words that describe Witches, Pagans, and others in our community capitalized. (Like, you know, the word "Christian" which is *always* capitalized.) The Wild Hunt reports on this ongoing campaign.
Did you know that atheists (and presumably, polytheists and others) are prohibited from holding public office in several states? The little known "religious test" is explained in this post at The Wild Hunt.
Magick users might use the term "egregore" instead of "golem" but this provocative post from a rabbi asks whether an artificially-created being (a corporation) has mystical standing. Fascinating article.
The Raw Story reports that parents in Portland Oregon are battling a fundamentalist Christian group that wants to bring its message to kids in the public schools.
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