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PaganNewsBeagle Faithful Friday Oct 10

In today's Faithful Friday post, the Pagan News Beagle brings you: a secularist convention; yoga: fitness or faith; UK law enforcement confronts witchcraft accusations; does higher education lead to less religious behavior? and five Hindu words for love.

Richard Dawkins and his fellow secularists are having a convention this week, concentrating on the rise of religious fundamentalism, especially in the Middle East.

A new tax on fitness clubs in Washington DC has ignited controversy by including studios that offer yoga -- which many believe should be classified as a spiritual practice. Do you practice yoga? Do you think of it as a spiritual or fitness practice -- or both?

An increasing number of child-abuse cases in which the child is believed to be "possessed by demons" or accused of being a "witch" has led law enforcement authorities in the UK to issue a new set of guidelines about dealing with such crimes.

Are education and religion diametrically opposed? A new study examines the question.

Ancient Hindu philosophers described five types of love: can these classifications help us in today's romance- and sex-drenched culture?


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  • Greybeard
    Greybeard Friday, 10 October 2014

    When schools teach secular non-religion, then fewer graduates are religious. It so good to know that highly schooled "experts" have been able to figure this out.

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