It's Faithful Friday and we've gathered stories on spirituality and religion from around the world. A tribute to Margot Adler, how do we pass along Paganism to the next generation, Lammas, modern atheism and much more. Happy Lammas and enjoy the weekend!

Peg Aloi suggests a fitting memorial for Margot Adler in Central Park, New York City.

Religious News Service reports on the question of passing along Paganism to the next generation.

This HuffPo article discusses the tendency of folks on Hindu-influenced spiritual paths to avoid calling themselves Hindu. (Parallel to modern Paganism didn't escape us.)

A fascinating story profiles the lives of Uighurs in Shanghai, China.

HecateDemeter shares a Lammas-themed short story.

This article at Vox argues that modern atheists are very different from their predecessors.

These temples in Pakistan are revered by many faiths, yet are under threat.