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PaganNewsBeagle Community News March 25
Lots of news of our many communities in today's Pagan News Beagle: Asatru campaign for recognition in the US Army; We'Moon award; occultism necessary to Paganism?; temples or shrines?; Coph Nia event for Gay and Bi men.
The Norse Mythology blog recently reported that the campaign to include Asatru as an officially recognized religion in the U.S. Army has stalled. This interview offers the most recent updates on the progress (or lack thereof.)
The Association for Study of Women and Mythology Board of Directors is pleased to announce We’Moon as the 2015 recipient of the Brigit Award for the Arts.
Can there be Paganism without the occult? Patheos Pagan blogger (and head of the channel there) says, "No way!"
Does Paganism need temples? Maybe we just need shrines, says John Halstead in this post from Patheos Pagan.
The annual Coph Nia Pagan gathering for Gay and Bisexual Men announces this year's event.
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