Pagan Studies
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Solstice Meditation Day 11: Libra and the Judge
For a recording of this Vision working, please click here:
While in astrology, Libra is the scales, or more precisely, the energy of balancing the scales, in this vision working, we work with the consciousness that holds the scales, the judge. Not unlike the presence of the Egyptian goddess Ma'at, the goddess of the divine order who weighed the heart against the feather of truth (technically it was Anubis who usually weighed the heart against the Feather of Ma'at), we approach the Judge to test that balance, and renew ourselves when out of balance. Unlike in the Egyptian mysteries, we will not be devoured by creatures for being unbalanced in this vision working, but received aid to balance this life, so we can find harmony before we pass on into the next.
Libra is the second sign ruled by Venus. While the more sensual Aphrodite images are found in Taurus, the first sign, many esoteric astrologers put the face of the rational and clear Athena to Libra. Though a goddess of war, she is also a goddess of strategy, invention and civilization. Venusian correspondences are used in Libra magick, including the stones of peridot and jade, and scents such as red sandalwood. Green, pink and pastel colors correspond to the balance of Libra. And Athena's primarily plant is the olive. The Justice tarot card, sometimes called Adjustment by the followers of Aleister Crowley's Thelema, is the card of the scales and balance to focus upon. Use these correspondences with this eleventh vision working.
Since this working will be a microcosm of the forces for the month when the Sun is in Libra, you might want to pull a Tarot Card, Rune, Ogham or any other divination omen before, or after the workings, to give yourself further insight.
Entering into a meditative state. Prepare yourself and your space.
On Day Eleven of the Working, we call upon the Judge, the bringer of justice and balance.
We call upon the Judge
Rise up to walk the Royal Road of Initiation among the stars. You have moved through the Temples of Healing with Virgo. Were you visited by any spirits of healing in your dreams? Now, with those healing seeds planted, we seek the Judge, the first of the last three ordeals in this cycle of the stars.
Enter the Halls of Judgement.
Find the Deity of Adjustment, of Balance, there by the scales.
Take this time to commune with the Judge.
The Judge helps us bring harmony with its Venusian qualities by brining success in love and romance, as the first key to romance is self love, which is also the foundation of true balance and harmony. Balance is the goal of the Witch taught by the Judge.
The Judge confronts you as the Child of Light, wanting to know if you are balanced enough to continue the path. Have you found harmony between the male and the female, the God and the Goddess?
Have you found harmony between the four elements – earth, air, fire and water?
Do you have harmony between the body, mind, souls and emotions?
The Judge holds a feather and a sword, and places the feather upon the scale.
The Judge touches your chest, to measure your heart upon the scales.
She then holds the sword and says:
As the trickster has taught you how to discern thoughts and words, you must also learn how to discern hearts. The ancients would weight the heart against the feather of truth. If your heart was as light as a feather, you may pass into the fields of paradise. If your heart was weighed down, it would be devoured by the creatures of the deep. Do you know the weight of your heart?
Receive the Wisdom of the Judge.
We thank the Judge. Blessed be.
What happens in this vision will help you unfold your experiences for the Month when the Sun occupies the sign of Virgo.
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