As I write this entry, the moon is on the verge of peeking through the branches of the Eucalyptus tree just to the east of my apartment. I love looking at the full moon rising through the branches of that tree: the tines of Cernunnos caressing Diana.

Of course, being witches, we all know why tonight is special. We've been waiting almost three years for a blue moon! Two full moons in one month--think of all the magic we can do!

Tonight, though, I find myself contemplative. See, last time there was a blue moon, I was nine months pregnant, sitting by myself and watching Serenity. Shortly after moonrise, I felt my first contraction--10 days before my due date.

What followed was a labor shorter and wilder than I ever thought I'd experience. By 11:00, the contractions were coming every five minutes. By the time we got to the hospital, they were constant and I was 8 centimeters dilated. Within forty minutes of frantically abandoning our car at the hospital's closed valet station, I was holding my baby.

And here's what's funny. When my husband called to say my contractions were five minutes apart, the hospital told us to stay home until they were two minutes apart. Then my husband called the doula, who heard me moaning in the background, and told us to take an ambulance. If we'd listened to the hospital, I would have given birth in the car. Turns out the reason they told me to stay home was that Labor and Delivery was overrun with women in labor. Everyone went into labor that night! An L&D room opened up in the nick of time so I didn't have to push in triage, but even then, I didn't get a hospital room until early the next afternoon.

And my girl? Little Zelda, born on a blue moon in the year of the dragon? Well, she's exactly the little dynamo you'd expect.

Happy blue moon, my witches!

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Image credit Different2une