Sisterhood of the Antlers
Walking the path of the Ancestral Mothers of Scotland with stories, art, and ritual
Help Create the Cailleach's Samhuinn Costume
'At Samhuinn, the veil between the worlds draws thin and the spirits gather close to bear witness as the courts of SUmmer and Winter battle for control of the seasons. In her wild ecstasy of grief and sorrow, the Cailleach ushers the last breath os Summer's opulent decadence into the beyond to make way for the icy storms of Winter's dark reign'. BFS
Samhuinn poster for 2015
The Beltane Fire Societies events - Beltane & Sumhuinn in Edinburgh are not to be missed! I attended a Beltane festival in the days before tickets and security roping the crowds back from the main fire. Some fellow pagans offered me a magical brew and let's just say it was a wild night indeed! I can still hear the drumming!
This year their Cailleach extends an invitation to send a white or cream colored 10cm square of silk, wool, cotton, linen which will be stitched together and worn on Sumhuinn night. Your peice will be sewn together to create the costume for the great hag and worn through the streets of Edinburgh on Samhuinn night.
Click here for the original post and mailing address (to Edinburgh, Scotland)
Click on the above photo to meet the Samhuinn court and the 2016 Cailleach
If you love this idea but might miss the deadline I am so inspired by this idea that I'm creating a Cailleach shroud - you cam mail me your fabrics - same natural materials, feel free to draw symbols and write me a note (email me via my website for snail mail address). The garment will be worn at a Cailleach ceremony in november. I'll publish details on my website - click here to view.
I, She Who Wears Antlers is a priestess of this old divine crone!
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