Sisterhood of the Antlers

Walking the path of the Ancestral Mothers of Scotland with stories, art, and ritual

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Cernunnos is known by many names. The Horned God, God of the Hunt, Lord of the Animals. He can be found in the sacred grove in the heart of the forest, in the call of the rutting stag. Of all the names he is known as I grew up knowing him as Herne the Hunter. As I generally make female dolls I was quite surprised that Cernunnos appeared, maybe I was inspired by the fallow deer stags I got to hang out with this summer.


Fallow deer stags, West Sussex, England



The 'Stag' from the Wildwood Tarot


BBC Box of Delights - Scene with Herne the Hunter - click on the image for a video from the series



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Jude Lally is a forager of stories. You’ll find her out wandering the hills around Loch Lomond, reading the signs that guide her to stories in the land.

As a Cultural Activist, she draws upon the inspiration from old traditions to meet current needs.
She uses keening as a grief ritual, a cathartic ritual to express anger, fear, and despair for all that is unfolding within the great unraveling.
As a doll maker, she views this practice as one that stretches back to the first dolls which may have been fashioned from bones and stones and ancient stone figurines such as the Woman of Willendorf. She uses dolls as a way of holding and exploring our own story, and relationship to the land as well as ancestral figures.

She gained her MSc Masters Degree in Human Ecology at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland) and lives on the West Coast of Scotland on the banks of the River Clyde, near Loch Lomond. She is currently writing her first book, Path of the Ancestral Mothers.



  • Dragon Dancer
    Dragon Dancer Sunday, 26 August 2018

    OMG I love him! I shouldn't have, but...yeah, that was me who just snatched him up. I've been wanting one of your dolls - still intend to get more when I can justify spending the money (not at all saying they're expensive, they're VERY reasonable!) - but I couldn't let him get away.

  • Jude Lally
    Jude Lally Sunday, 26 August 2018

    Ah! I was wondering who he had a message for, as it wasn't me!!!

  • Dragon Dancer
    Dragon Dancer Sunday, 26 August 2018

    Yep, apparently!

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