Pagan Paths
PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.
See you Aug. 1
As I've already noted in a previous post, I will be taking July off as part of the polytheistic month of silence. I've got a number of good articles already planned for Aug 1, starting with one about the beloved Norse moon God Mani. I hadn't quite decided what to post as my final June article though. I wanted something a bit more useful than a class advertisement! In the end, since I plan on making strides in compiling my next Odin devotional during my internet sabbatical, I decided to leave with a prayer sequence to Odin, the God of my heart, Whom I adore above all Others. Enjoy and may my American readers have a wonderful (and safe) fourth of July.
Adorations to Odin
I adore You, Devourer of Knowledge.
I adore You, Master of Runes.
I adore You, Victory Maker.
I adore You, Who murdered His ancestors.
I adore You, Wielder of Weapons.
I adore You, Ravaging Hunger.
I adore You, Merciless One.
I adore You, Implacable One.
I adore You, Passion.
I adore You, Pain.
I adore You, God of endless challenge.
I adore You, Bringer of Endless Ecstasy.
I adore You, Sly Manipulator.
I adore You, Cunning Seducer.
I adore You, Weary Wanderer.
I adore You, Drunk on Sacrifices.
I adore You, Covetous of More.
I adore You, Maker of Worlds.
I adore You, Who ensnares the heart.
I adore You, Self-murdered in Yggdrasil.
I adore You, Rider of the merciless Tree.
I adore You, Ordeal Master.
I adore You, Shaman of Shamans.
I adore You, Lord of Asgard.
I adore You, Lover of Women.
I adore You, Husband of Frigga.
I adore You, .Who inspires obsession.
I adore You, Who incites desire.
I adore You, gelded Master of Wyrd.
I adore You, ice to Loki’s fire.
I adore You, Father of Mighty Children.
I adore You, Jotun Born.
I adore You, Father of Vengeance.
I adore You, Purveyor of Deceit.
I adore You, Walker between the Worlds.
I adore You, Ancient Storm.
I adore You, Galdr-Master.
I adore You, Meister-Singer.
I adore You, Bringer of Terror.
I adore You, Bringer of Bliss.
I adore You, Best of Husbands.
I adore You, most fearsome of foes.
I adore You, Usurper.
I adore You, Deceiver.
I adore You, Master of Every Hunt.
I adore You, Ravager.
I adore You, Warrior.
I adore You, shrieking Storm Wind.
I adore You, God of War.
I adore You, Son of Bestla.
I adore You, son of Bor.
I adore You, Mimir’s Student.
I adore You,, Twice-Blinded.
I adore You, Who drank from the Well.
I adore You, Who plucked out His eye.
I adore You, gnarled Grey beard.
I adore You, Tamer of the Way.
I adore You, Seeker of Wisdom.
I adore You, avid for Power.
I adore You, Father of Magic.
I adore You, Fearsome Bale-Worker.
I adore You, of the Blazing Eye.
I adore You, All-Father.
I adore You, God of all things Hidden.
I adore You, Sweet Entangler.
I adore You, Ever-Changing One.
I adore You, God of Dreams.
I adore You, Fulfiller of wishes.
I adore You, Giver of Good Counsel.
I adore You, God of the dead,
Who knows the roads to Helheim well.
I adore You, Winner of the Runes,
Torn from life in the endeavor.
I adore You, unerring Truth-finder.
I adore You, Helblindi.
I adore You, Wod – Father of Fury.
I adore You, Master, hooded, hidden, and hale.
I adore You, Ancient Ruler.
I adore You, Father of men.
I adore You, generous dispenser of wealth.
I adore You, of eagle eye and head.
I adore You, dark of countenance.
I adore You, Far-seeing Rider.
I adore You, Sower of Conflict.
I adore You, Spear-Master.
I adore You, Gugnir’s Wielder.
I adore You, DRaupnir’s Bearer.
I adore You, Battle Blinder.
I adore You, grim and cold.
I adore You, fettered God.
I adore You, destroyer of Fetters.
I adore You, Battle Wolf.
I adore You, Shrieking Hunger.
I adore You, primal Mound Sitter,
First to seek out the dead.
I adore You, Inciter to Battles.
I adore You, Raven Father.
I adore You, who rejoices in slaughter.
I adore You, God of tumult.
I adore You, hard as iron.
I adore You, Who nourishes His people.
I adore You, frenzied Rider,
I adore You, Passion’s Author.
I adore You, Treachery Bringer.
I adore You, Strength.
I adore You, ever-swelling Cock.
I adore You, who enjoys every pleasure.
I adore You, never sated.
I adore You, God of the endless conquest.
I adore You, lean and pale.
I adore You, dead man walking.
I adore You, Victory sure.
I adore You, Victory Tree.
I adore You, Bloody and silent.
I adore You, splendid Ruler.
I adore You, Journey Master.
I adore You, Most skilled in every art.
I adore You, Crafter of Riddles.
I adore You, One-eyed Inciter.
I adore You, Gaping Jaw.
I adore You, Master of Valkyries.
I adore You, Woden, wise in wort-cunning.
I adore You, Lord of Hosts.
I adore You, Wand-wielder,
Giver of every possible pleasure.
I adore You, Ripper.
I adore You, Who purifies by Pain.
I adore You, Who binds through pleasure.
I adore You, Bringer of Endless blessings.
I adore You, Eater of prophecies.
I adore You, replete with mysteries.
I adore You, Speaker of Wyrd.
I adore You, ever-aroused.
I adore You, ardent fire.
I adore You, who brings conflagration of the spirit.
I adore You, serpent.
I adore You, killing cold.
I adore You, savage and proud.
I adore You, World-Master.
I adore You, Sweet Ravager of Hearts.
I adore You, intoxication.
I adore You, Who ordered the Heavens.
I adore You, first among Your brothers.
I adore You, Terror of the Tree.
I adore You, from Whom there is no sanctuary.
I adore You from whom there is no place to flee.
I adore You who fills the heart with Terror.
I adore You, who fills the heart with joy.
I adore, you, Beloved.
Ever and always,
I adore You, Odin.
(Feel free to share your favorite prayers to the Old Man, or to any other God or Goddess that you love, venerate, and respect in the comments section).
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Hail to the Master Gardener of Valhalla!
You, Who Harvest the Best of Mankind at their peak of Might and Meghn,
Thank You -
For seeing the value in me
For calling me forth from the masses
For setting me upon this Adventure.