Because reality is continually unfolding out of the implicate order, because we create that which we imagine, and because we are inextricably interconnected, it is virtually impossible to conceive of a monotheistic world. Osireion theology implies, though it does not assert, that there is a monistic underlying divinity from which emerge the neteru (the gods), as well as all other forms of life. We recognize the gods as the life-forms which have been perceived by humans over time. In the same sense that human, animal, geologic or any other life form need not be restricted to one individual identity, so the neteru have multiple identities and personalities.


This is one of the things that we might say we accept conditionally, based on our best information and intuitive guidance. There is little doubt that the reality of the neteru has been strengthened and enhanced over time by the attention of and relationships developed by devoteés. This need not detract from the validity of the neteru, nor diminish their powers. Our neteru are dignified without being condescending, powerful without needing to be omnipotent, challenging without being onerous or unreasonable. We might even see in them our own reflection.

We hear lots of current discussion out there about whether Pagans are monotheists, hard polytheists, soft polytheists, etc. For those engaged in New Egyptian Spirituality, defining the gods seems to be beside the point. Given the nature of creative consciousness, both we and the gods will continue to display infinite variety for as long as we can conceive of ourselves.

So it is that Osireion recognizes the inherent divine nature of our own being. During at least the past two millenia, the idea of equating humans with deity has been considered blasphemous. If there is a linear aspect to development of human civilization, I suggest that it is time for us to grow up, out of our childish notions of what we owe an omnipotent god. Seth comments on the responsibility of consciousness:

You are learning to be cocreators. You are learning to be gods as you now understand the term. You are learning responsibility – the responsibility of any individualized consciousness. You are learning to handle energy that is yourself, for creative purposes.*

Whether we observe Atum procreating with the “god’s wife” of his hand, or Ptah crafting humanity like a stonecutter, or Khnum spinning life out of mud on the potter’s wheel, they are only the subjects of the stories we have told ourselves about our own personal potential. What will you do this week to be a co-creator with your gods?

* Roberts, Jane. Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul. Amber-Allen Publishing: San Rafael, CA, 1972.