Journeys: Thoughts from a Druid Path

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A Prayer While Awaiting COVID Results

A Prayer While Awaiting COVID Results

I have been stricken,
Or have been exposed,
The testing is over,
The waiting begun.
I call to the healing
Goddesses and gods
That I know,
And that know me as well.
I offer you my thanks
And my gratitude
For being in my life,
Through all of my days.
I call to the waters,
To rise and surround me,
Wash away sickness,
And disease.
I call to the earth,
Let us blend as one,
May what ails me descend,
And be purified deep within.
I call to the winds,
That they blow tight through me,
Carry all that afflicts me,
To where the sky meets the earth.
And if it should happen,
That I am affected,
Please bring me to healing,
With a touch of your hands.
Jean (Drum) Pagano
Last modified on
I am a long-time pagan and charter member of ADF, Ar nDraoicht Fein, a Druid Fellowship. I am a Senior Priest in as well as the Arch Druid of ADF. I am a Druid of the Third Order, RDNA; Druid Grade, OBOD; and a Second Degree Druid Companion in AODA. I love Druidry!  


  • Jamie
    Jamie Monday, 20 June 2022

    Mr. Pagano,

    May the Goddesses and Gods grant you good health and happiness.

    I really like the prayer you shared. I will recite it myself when the time comes.

    Thank you!

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