Journeys: Thoughts from a Druid Path

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A Prayer for the Earth


A Prayer for the Earth (Mother)


We give you offerings today:






And Care.


For some,


Your are our Mother;


For some,


You are our planet;


For some,


You are a Spirit, Alive!


We honour you this day


And every day.


Let us walk with kindness,




And hospitality


As we cross this Earth,


Our home.




Last modified on
Tagged in: RDNA OBOD
I am a long-time pagan and charter member of ADF, Ar nDraoicht Fein, a Druid Fellowship. I am a Senior Priest in as well as the Arch Druid of ADF. I am a Druid of the Third Order, RDNA; Druid Grade, OBOD; and a Second Degree Druid Companion in AODA. I love Druidry!  


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