Hedge Witch: Into the Wilds…
Let me take you on a journey through the wilds of nature and back to the roots and bones of witchcraft, a natural witchcraft that works with the seasons and all the natural items that Mother Nature provides drawing on magical folk lore with a dash of hedge witch and gypsy magic too.
The Magic of Sticks and Twigs
Sticks and twigs
If you are looking for sticks or twigs to use then I would recommend you look on the ground first rather than cut them direct from the tree. The trees usually provide enough twiggy gifts without the need for cutting. However if you do need to cut a twig or small branch from a tree please do ask permission first, just let the tree know what you need it for and always cut cleanly, never rip it from the tree otherwise infection can set in.
Twigs can be made into all sorts of magical items from the obvious handmade wand to twig crafts or a fetish. Twigs can also be burnt in ceremonial or magical fires bringing the properties of each particular tree species to your working.
- Weave twigs into a crown or circlet and wear to impart the magical properties of the tree.
- Put hazel twigs on your window sill to bring protection from storms to your house.
- Hang three hazel twigs tied together on the side of your house to protect against fire.
- Use small Y shaped branches for divination.
- Burn ash logs at Yule to receive prosperity over the coming year.
- Wearing ash bark is said to protect against powerful magic.
- If your child is poorly get them to climb through the split in the trunk of an ash tree to bring healing.
- Ash wood makes good broom handles and wands because of its strength and protective properties.
- Make an amulet from ash twigs to bring out the healing solar energy; tie two small ash twigs together into an equal arm cross, fasten in the centre with gold or yellow ribbon, charge the amulet in the sun.
- Carve a wish into a beech stick then bury it in the ground to make your wish come true.
- Use a wand made from beech wood to connect with spirit and the divine.
- Carry small pieces of beech bark with you for luck and success.
- Grind up a small piece of beech wood and pop the powder into your right shoe to bring good fortune.
- Use birch bark in protection spells.
- Birch wood works well for Yule logs and birch twigs are excellent for lighting Beltane fires.
- Birch twigs are traditionally used for making a witch’s broom.
- Dry out pieces of birch bark and use them to write spells on.
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