Gnosis Diary: Life as a Heathen
My personal experiences, including religious and spiritual experiences, community interaction, general heathenry, and modern life on my heathen path, which is Asatru.
Heathen Visibility with a Mask
In these times, we're not socializing in person, and not going fun places for the most part, so it's natural that people are posting fewer selfies. But if you were participating in the Heathen Visibility Project before the lockdown started, you don't have to stop. We can still participate in the Heathen Visibility Project; let's just give ourselves permission to not look perfect. If you, like me, still have to go places, you can still get selfies out and about. If you don't still have to go places, you can get them at home. It's OK if you're dressed more casually than you usually would be if you were taking pics at a nice restaurant. You may have to stay home, but you don't have to stop participating in internet projects. We may have to cover our faces, but we don't have to hide who we are.
This season's must-have accessory is the home made cloth face mask. Here's me in one of mine. I had just put my mask on after driving to my companion's care center, to deliver his mail to a worker at the front door. I don't get to see him; they are only allowing medical visits, and life management isn't medical. (Life management is what I call property management plus, the plus being errand running, help with paperwork, collecting and delivering mail, etc. Right now I don't have any pet sitting clients, although that was how I started out with this.) The design on this mask is a Thor's hammer. It's a sunprint on cotton. A sunprint is a contact photograph, in this case of a paper cutout. I usually frame my sunprints as art, but I wanted a heathen design for a mask.
If you haven't heard of the Heathen Visibility Project before, here are some links to previous posts about it:
Heathen Visibility Project: part 1 Why Heathen Visibility?
Heathen Visibility Project: part 2 How to Participate
Heathen Visibility Project Does Halloween
Speech on Heathen Visibility Project PPD 2019
A Great Time at Pagan Pride Day 2019
Heathen Visibility Year in Review 2019
To participate, just post pics of yourself, with or without visible heathen symbols, or your heathen related objects or altar setups or craft projects, with the hashtag heathenvisibility.
Many sites use hashtags, including Twitter, Instagram, Minds, MeWe, LinkedIn, and many others. I don't have an Instagram account because the name Erin Lale is already in use there by someone else (legitimately; there is another woman with a different middle name, I think in Turkey where Lale is a common name.) I have accounts at all the other places though, and of course Facebook. None of those are as photo focused as Instagram, but I do have two other places I put Heathen Visibility Project photos:
Image: me wearing a cloth face mask with a Thor's hammer design on it.
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