The hazel has been associated with wisdom, magic and divination for centuries and the carrying of a hazel wand conferred not only wisdom but the power of eloquence on the bearer. The most potent hazel wand should be cut on Midsummers’ morning. Although we think of the forked hazel twig as the diviners’ rod these days, a straight hazel wand can also be used for water divining and to attract rain — also to find veins of metal. To protect a seedbed from the attention of birds, insects and the Faere Folk draw on it with a hazel wand a cross, followed by a heart then another cross.



An incense of the fruit or twigs can be used for any positive purpose, particularly to strengthen mental powers including magical will and concentration also to give the stamina needed to complete long or complicated rituals. Hazel is associated with Elemental Fire, and was one of the nine sacred woods used to kindle the magical Need Fire at Beltane. Weave a wreath of hazel leaves and twigs and wear it during any spells to gain your most secret wishes and desires. The hazel nut can be used in love philters, when they will awaken the recipient to the virtues of the sender. Hazel leaves can be used to banish an unwanted lover, charm a leaf by simply chanting the name of the person then Depart! Depart! Depart!’ The leaf can then either be burnt, or posted to your lover (there is no need to put in any letter in the envelope), or slipped in their pocket.