Strega Nona Entertaining: Conjuring Creative Fun

From recipes to rituals, I will kindly divine the perfect celebration for you!

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Colleen DuVall

Colleen DuVall

Colleen DuVall has written articles, plays, short films, and a novel. Most recently, her work has been featured in her new blog, Off The Beaten Path for the Shepherd Express online (, and the Wisconsin Life radio show for WPR. She recently adopted a little grey and white cat named Tessa, after beloved 22-year-old Bootise passed on.

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A Mystical Cat Halloween

I don't know about all of you, but I have had many black cats in my life. The last one who was a furry family member lasted to the ripe old age of 22! Bootsie was a sweetheart—so gentle, so loving—a true gift to be a part of of our lives for so long. Many times when we adopt a pet, it is believed that they choose us, as much as we choose them. I believe that to be true.

Feline Friendships

That certainly has been the case for my dear longtime friend, Mary Domhan. If anyone is a cat whisperer, she's the one. She has the power to tame ferals, and cats always seem to find her. In my Halloween podcast episode (number 36) for "Women Who Howl at the Moon," I talk to her at length about her artwork and new Edgy Cat Designs website. If you are a lover of all things feline, you will delight in the cards, art prints, and stickers she has a available. If you're shopping for a cat lover friend, I have no doubt you will find it at her website!

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A Full Moon on Lammas


There’s a whole lot going on in August, starting with the celebration of Lammas/Lughnassadh today, coinciding with the first of two supermoons this month. You can hear my take on tonight’s lovely Corn Moon/Full Sturgeon Moon on my minipod, courtesy of “Women Who Howl at the Moon.” Tonight should give you something to howl about for sure! While you’re at it, why not practicing some gratitude for any bounty you’ve enjoyed recently in your life? I certainly count friends, loved ones, and pets as riches you just can’t put a price tag on. Light an orange candle for enthusiasm and rekindling optimism and let them know you care—with a simple gesture, a quick note, or a lovingly prepared meal from scratch this evening. It’s something we could all stand to do a bit more of, myself included. And when it comes to yourself, be sure to practice some self-love, too.

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Let the Sunshine In

So why is camping so important to do on the Summer Solstice, AKA, Litha? For one thing, it puts you directly in touch with nature and the four elements in sensory surround sound! It also forces you to slow down and get simple with it, something we could all sorely use some more of, to be sure. Plus, it allows for some necessary sun worship. One of my favorite activities to partake in when camping at this time, is to greet the day with some good old-fashioned sun salutations. Going barefoot in the grass with the birds chirp/cheering you on as you move through the positions is definitely a bonus. You can enjoy camping in a large group like the Pagan Spirit Gathering (PSG), or go solo and brew some sun tea while you’re at it, during the day. Most of us in the Midwest are in dire need for some Vitamin D about now, so by all means, soak it up from sunrise to sunset, if you can. Just remember to stay well-hydrated and lather up with the sunscreen while you’re at it.

Earthy Vibes

While you’ve got the  earthy vibe going, be sure to give a listen to Tammi Kapitanski, our June podcast guest for “Women Who Howl at the Moon.” Tammi is the proprietress of Remedy Within, a massage therapy and spiritual gift shop. She knows her gemstones, tarot, and reiki and was a delight to talk to. She considers herself a practicing witch and has a good deal of natural knowledge to share with us.

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New Moon, New Attitude

With ushering in the New Moon on Friday the 19th, comes the opportunity for new possibilities. Meditate during this waxing moon phase about what that means to you, exactly. Whether you’ve been wanting to try a new look fashion-wise or give a room in your home a new makeover, sometimes a fresh perspective is all that’s needed to brush off those lingering winter doldrums and doubt, once and for all. It could go deeper, though.

How New Do You Want to Get?

 Search your heart. Have you been wanting to radically change some bad habits, behaviors, or patterns of thought that no longer serve any purpose for you whatsoever? Some of these old go-tos can actually hold us back from embracing a new, stronger, truer self. When you meditate, see what comes to you instinctively, first and foremost. Ask, what is high time that I left in the dust in my life?

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Come down to Earth


As I write this, I can hear the little mama sparrow chirping outside my corner front window. She and her partner have been busy building a nest in the corner overhang between our apartment and the one next door, much to the great interest of my kitty cat, Tessa. We’ll definitely be keeping that window closed for the birds’ sake. Along with the many robins I’ve seen happily bob-bob-bobbing along recently, spring definitely is making itself known, despite even some late April snow this week. Earth Day is always a pleasant turning point to mark this occasion, because the gaiety and frolic of Beltane/May Day is soon to follow, and that brings a smile to my face.

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Spring Ahead Like the Bold Ram You Are

As we move out of sensitive Pisces, I feel my own fiery sun sign of Aries begin to kick its strong hooves into gear. I love when the sun first enters the sign of Aries at the time of the Spring Equinox/Ostara. I’m all about new beginnings, new projects, fresh starts, and creative approaches to problem-solving. When coupled with the always optimistic, first glimmers of spring, one can’t help but lean hard on the side of hope. I appreciate the dreamy, sweet side of Pisces, and know that I have some in my chart, due to the close proximity of where my birthdate falls (the 23rd). This being said, I also welcome my fighting, brave, adventurous side just around the corner. I look forward to ushering it in with verve and gusto. I’ve had to employ some of this especially recently when it comes to standing up for myself. Often I’d prefer to avoid unpleasant confrontation, preferring flight instead of fight mode.

Justice for All

One thing about we Aries types though, we have a particularly strong sense of defending against anything unjust—whether behavior done to ourselves or our loved ones. So that doesn’t really allow for hiding away from saying what needs to be said or done. This can be applied in the workplace, setting firm boundaries with those who are apt to bring you down, or simply calling out a particularly rough new hygienist in the dentist’s office. Sure we could just lay back and grimace through the pain. But is it really doing anyone any good, especially if the rudeness if pretty over-the -op and the perp isn’t aware, or doesn’t think there are any consequences for their behavior?

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Imbolc Introspection

I've always thought a little introspection was good for the soul, and the sabbat, Imbolc, certainly lends itself to that. If creativity can play a part in your ritual, all the better. The last two seasons of my monthly personal podcast, "Women Who Howl at the Moon," I've turned the recording device on myself. I make a point to ask aloud some challenging questions and try to be honest and open with my spontaneous answers. In a way, it's not all that different than when I used to employ my favorite toy growing up, a tape recorder. I'd record everything with that beloved instrument, and rarely—if ever—edited myself. I'd record friends, my younger brothers, conduct interviews with grandparents, act out beloved movies or spoofs on TV shows, all in the form of  a free-wheeling radio play. In some ways, little has changed, although I do admit to cleaning up too many "ums" or "tsks" if they bug me. All in all, it still remains one of my favorite communication devices of choice. You don't get hung up on the visual and distracted by that but are forced to listen closely and imagine what story you are hearing unfolding.

So Many Ways to Look Inward

In the past, I've suggested going on a peaceful winter cross-country ski in a nature setting, turning up the heat and meditating with a cup of piping hot herbal tea, or simply embracing the act of unplugging—literally all electronic devices and unnecessary noise. You can hug your inner introvert by way of a mini silent retreat with yourself. Or this year you could dim the lights, make sure you're in a sound-proof setting where you won't be disturbed, and hit record for a little self-talk. You certainly don't need any fancy recording devices or software to do this. Most Smart Phones come equipped with a recording device. Whether you choose to share your innermost thoughts or no, is distinctly up to you. At the very least, play the recording back to yourself at a later date—perhaps at the Spring Equinox, or even Lammas, since that is one of the four major sabbats, and opposite Imbolc on the calendar wheel. Check in and listen to you express your thoughts privately. See what's changed and what's remained the same. Take note in your journal and act accordingly.

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